As a Vampire your physical, mental, and magical powers are enhanced.
New and powerful abilities are at your disposal!
Several powers and abilities have recharge timers (in game time) before you can use them again.  However, you can disable these timers in the MCM and use them whenever you want to if you wish.

If you have Light Penalties enabled in the MCM, you will be unable to use some spells/abilities in the light of day.  Light Penalties will prevent you from using some powers and it also damages your stats and regen - if the light level is high enough (light level penalties can be disabled if you wish).

- 100% Resistance to Poison and Disease
- Illusion Spells are 25% more powerful (this is not the same as Illusion skill ... this adds a 25% bonus)
- 10% harder to detect while sneaking (this is not the same as Sneak skill ... this adds a 10% bonus)
- Vampires can survive indefinitely under water
- Vampire strength increases your carrying capacity (20-100 depending on level)
- Rank Progression - Vampire agility increases your jump height with each rank
(Requires SKSE; 100-250 jump height; this bonus is disabled in direct light - you can change this by disabling sun penalties in the customization menu.  You can also customize the light level threshold which determines if you are in shadows or not).
- Rank Progression - Decreased falling damage; your body grows stronger with every rank you attain.
(20 yd. to 45 yd. with no damage whatsoever).
- Rank Progression - Sidestep Reflexes; your body grows more dextrous with every rank you attain.
(time will seem to slow down sometimes when an enemy is power attacking; chance depends upon rank). If you choose to have light penalties, this ability will be disabled when in direct light during the day.  You can also customize the light level threshold which determines if you are in shadows or not.
- Rank Progression - Sun Resilience allows a highly ranked vampire to regen health and stamina very slowly even while in direct sunlight.
Regen rate depends upon your rank and your satiation stage.  Only Master and Nightlord ranks can regen slowly if in direct sunlight.  You can customize the light level threshold which determines if you are in shadows or not.  The amount of regen, 1-10 %, depends on your satiation; weaker stages have very little regen compared to you at the height of your power.
- Rank Progression - Amaranth allows the highest ranked vampires to feed on their own kind.
Once you reach Nightlord Vampire rank, you will be able to feed on other vampires (not with Seduction or Fear's Embrace though) and occasionally absorb some of their skills in the process. You will be unable to feed on those you have turned into Vampires.

Praestare Sanguinare will infect a feeding victim with vampirism and make them loyal to you as their Vampire liege. It is a lesser power that allows you to turn your next feeding victim into a Vampire ally (use the power, then feed). It is 100% effective, but you must feed within 30 seconds. NPCs that you turn are potential followers (if possible) and will not hate you as a blood-starved Vampire. If you'd like to make a current follower a Vampire, release them first, turn them, and then get them to follow you again. They will live their everyday lives as Vampires and feed upon the unwary when they thirst for blood.

Enthrall will allow you to overwhelm an incapacitated victim and make them into Vampire Cattle.  It is a perk that will add a dialogue option to "Enthrall" when you activate a sleeping, bleeding out, or Vampire Seduced NPC.  The NPC can become your follower (if possible) but will otherwise stay in one place - waiting for his/her master to return and feed on them.  If your victim has a stronger constitution than you do (more health and stamina) then your enthralling may be unsuccessful and they will become hostile.  You can have a maximum of 10 thralls at any one time; enthralling an eleventh will release the first and so on.

Mortal's Mask will cloud others minds so they will not notice your vampiric appearance. It takes a great deal of concentration and cannot be maintained for long. This Illusion spell will temporarily remove all hate towards you at your vilest stage of vampirism; you can cast it before you change into your hated stage and it will continue working after the change - no hate, but the spell will only last for 15 minutes; you can toggle it off at any time by casting it again. Magicka regen is temporarily reduced (and blood points consumed if enabled) as the spell takes focus to maintain.  If you have visual effects enabled (which can decrease your speechcraft as you smolder) then Mortal's Mask will make you appear mortal and cover the smoking.

Deflect Light and Shadow is a very powerful ability that is unique to you as a Vampire. Its effects cannot last for long, but you will remain invisible while interacting with the world around you. It is a lesser power that makes you invisible for 20-40 seconds (depending on your level) AND you can still interact/attack and STAY invisible. Stamina and Magicka will be consumed to maintain this ability while it is active.  Because of the great amount of energy required to maintain perfect invisibility, you will be unable to use Deflect Light and Shadow again for 5 hours (game time) - timers can be disabled if you wish.

Vampire Drain is enhanced in you. It will sap both the health and willpower of your victim; transferring it to you. It is a rebalanced and more powerful Destruction spell that steals health and stamina from your enemy and transfers it to you in exchange for magicka. This spell will now help you level your Destruction skill!  If you select the option in the MCM this spell can also affect your satiation stage and blood points (if enabled).  If you have Dawnguard installed, and the Blood of the Ancients (from the Bloodstone Chalice) is active, you will also be able to absorb magicka from your victim. It has been adjusted so it will become more powerful at levels 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60+.

If you have Night Cloak unlocked in Vampire Lord form, you can call upon it while blocking (in combat) as a regular vampire. It will do 10-15 points of damage per second (depending on your level) to opponents in melee range - it also drains 4-8 points of health (if necessary conditions are met). If you choose to have light penalties, this ability will be disabled when in direct light during the day.

Vampire's Servant will channel your vampiric powers to bring a dead body back to life and force it to serve your needs. It is a rebalanced and much stronger lesser power that reanimates a dead body to fight for you for 2-10 minutes, depending upon your stage of vampirism.  Due to the great amount of focus and unholy energy required, you will be unable to use Vampire's Servant again for 5 hours (game time) - timers can be disabled if you wish.

Tollere Sanguinare is a powerful Restoration spell that you 'appropriated' from Falion himself. It will cure any NPC you have turned into a Vampire. It will reset vanilla race NPCs that you have turned to vampires back to their original race and restore normal AI.   Custom races may require you using the console to "revert" them to the normal version of their race after using this spell.  You can bestow immortality and take it away!

Vampire's Sight is the embodiment of your enhanced senses as a Vampire. You will become more aware of the world around you. This lesser power has a toggled Night Eye effect. Regular night vision works just like vanilla Skyrim. However, crouching to concentrate (cast while sneaking) will activate Vampiric Night Vision. It has a red hue and increased contrast. You can see a supernatural glow around potential feeding victims (even through solid objects) and hear their heartbeat as you get closer. The heartbeat sound can interfere with NPC dialogue, so deactivate it before speaking/listening to others.  Vampiric Night Vision is unique to your Vampire with new sound effects, new visuals, and increased potency. Reveal Auras, if active, will overwrite the red glow around feeding targets.  Vampiric Night Vision will consume blood points while it is active (if you have blood points enabled).

Reveal Auras will enable you to see the pulse and ebb of life forms and objects around you. It is a toggle-able lesser power that shows all living, undead, machines, and Daedra NPCs in a specified area (100'-500', depending on your level) - NPCs are colour-coded for type and whether they are friendly or not. It will automatically disable when in combat and re-enable when your last enemy is dead. Magicka (and blood points, if enabled) will be consumed to maintain this ability while it is active.

Vampire's Seduction will calm creatures and people – they won't fight for 10 seconds and will stand before you in awe. It requires great concentration and you cannot mesmerize an opponent once you are in combat. This power can also be used to feed on victims. If you do not have Dawnguard installed, you must feed upon your seduced victim from behind to avoid them seeing you and incurring a bounty. Upon recovering, your victim won't be able to be seduced again for a short time.

Domination will not only calm an enemy, but you will be able to overwhelm their mind and make them your puppet for a limited time. This lesser power has been reworked to calm others based on your current level AND make them your ally for 2-10 minutes (depending on level). To successfully dominate a victim, your health and stamina must be greater than their own or they will be aware of your attack and turn on you.  For the duration of the spell, they will be your teammate (blood points are consumed if enabled) and you can issue commands to them by holding down your activate key.  Using this lesser power on your victim again, or another person, will cause your mental link to be broken.  Because of the great amount of mental strain involved, you will be unable to use Domination again for 5 hours (game time) - timers can be disabled.

Vampiric Mind Blast focuses your Vampire mind and channels your remaining stamina to incapacitate your enemies for a brief moment. It is a lesser power that will paralyze all those within a 12'-20' radius for 1-4 seconds (depending on your level). Its use will consume all of your available stamina to fuel the blast. If you choose to have light penalties, this ability will be disabled when in direct light during the day.  Because of the great amount of mental strain involved, you will be unable to use Mind Blast again for 5 hours (game time) - timers can be disabled.

Rank Progression. Call Creature can summon an animal/animals to come to your aid, follow you, and help slaughter your enemies. This lesser power lasts for 6 minutes. The number of animals (1-3) that heed your call, and their relative strength, will adapt based on your level and rank. Your animal ally/allies will follow behind you when you sheath your weapon and become aggressive and attack nearby enemies when you unsheathe it.  Using this lesser power again while it is active will dismiss your creatures.  Calling animals to your side is taxing, so you will be unable to use Call Creature again for 5 hours (game time) - timers can be disabled.

Rank Progression. Frost Cloud freezes your victim in a burst of icy fog. This Destruction spell slows your target (50-85%) and deal 5-12 points of health and stamina damage per second for 6 seconds - potency increases with rank.

Rank Progression. Blood magic can strengthen you and shield you from spells for a short time.  This Restoration spell increases armor rating by 40-70 points and negates 40-70 points of spell damage or effects - depending on your rank.  Health (and blood if enabled) is drained to help power your ward.

Rank Progression. Ice Flesh transforms your undead skin to make you impervious to cold, improve your armor and fire resistance, and reflect some damage back to your attackers. This Alteration spell lasts for 1 minute and improves armor 20-50 points and fire resistance 10-40% - depending on your rank.

Rank Progression. Hemalurgic Spike launches a bloodspike from your outstretched hand to damage your opponent, absorb some of their health, and possibly absorb a skill or an ability for a short time.  This Destruction spell does 50-90 damage depending on your rank.  It can also "spike" mortal races, as well as Falmer and Dremora, to absorb skills or abilities.  Foes have these abilities stolen from them and they are then applied to you for 15 minutes (5 hours in game).  Hemalurgic spikes have strange effects on other Vampires and Werewolves ... (more details, click here)

Rank Progression. In an act of desperation, Sanguinem Reddere can draw upon the power of past feedings to fully restore your health and magicka once per day - blood power lost depends on how much healing is necessary. You will have to feed upon more victims to replace any power that is lost (it reduces your number of necks bitten - cost depends upon amount of health and magicka restored).

Rank Progression. Invoke Fog is a lesser power that calls foggy weather and diffuses the harsh rays of the sun; it will also allow your sneaking to be slightly more effective. It lasts for 2-10 minutes. Sneaking 'power' is increased by 10-60% in the fog`s murk. It will also temporarily reduce the light level for those who have sun damage turned on; they will stop taking damage until the weather changes back. Duration and magnitude depend upon rank.  Using this lesser power again while your fog is active will dismiss the effect and return weather to normal.  Changing the weather drains you of a lot of energy, so you'll be unable to use this ability again for 6 hours (game time) after the fog dissipates - timers can be disabled.

Rank Progression. Mistwalker allows you to turn into an insubstantial cloud of mist and move faster than normal over land or water. It is a toggle-able lesser power. You cannot be harmed while in this form and your movement speed is enhanced (30-70%, depends upon rank). It requires great concentration and cannot be maintained if you attack someone; you cannot cast it again for 1 hour (game time) after it wears off - timers can be disabled. Stamina and Magicka (and blood points if enabled) will be consumed to maintain this ability while it is active. If you choose to have light penalties, this ability will be disabled when in direct light during the day.

Rank Progression. Blink Attack allows you to instantly 'blink' behind your current target (in cross-hairs) and attack before the enemy can react. It is a lesser power whose range (50'-200') will scale according to your rank. Each successful blink will consume all of your available stamina; you will be unable to blink again for 2 hours (game time) - timers can be disabled. If you choose to have light penalties, this ability will be disabled when in direct light during the day.

Rank Progression. Unholy Grasp is a supernatural power that allows you to lift your enemy off their feet, draw them toward you, and cast aside their shattered body after you tear into them. This lesser power will last between 2-4 seconds - during which time you can attack with weapons and spells - and then forcibly launch your victim across the room/landscape, doing even more damage. It will consume all of your available stamina and, because of the great amount of energy it requires, you will be unable to use it again for 3 hours (game time) - timers can be disabled. If you choose to have light penalties, this ability will be disabled when in direct light during the day.

Rank Progression.
The Flames of Coldharbour are granted to you when you attain the highest rank - Nightlord Vampire.  Coldharbour's flames damage your enemies' Health and Magicka each second, and slow them.  Most mortals flee in terror, whereas Daedra and undead often become frenzied. This Destruction spell can create a magical wall of flame (only magic resistance applies) that does 25 points of damage to Health and Magicka each second.  Mortal creatures and races have a high likelihood of running away in fear (for 3 seconds) if they touch the flames.  Undead and Daedra (i.e. Dremora) will most often be whipped into a frenzy - attacking whoever or whatever is closest.  This is also an ENCHANTMENT!  When you first acquire this spell, you will learn the Flames of Coldharbour enchantment automatically if you have SKSE, OR you will be automatically given an enchanted dagger which you can disenchant to learn it.