Better Vampires was first released in February, 2012.
It was originally released as a "Vampire Fix" so people could simply play in reverse progression - that was it.
Since then, it has undergone over 80 different updates!  I have been constantly improving it!

Over the years, people have submitted their ideas for balancing, new features they'd like to see implemented, and numerous requests for more detailed customization.  If I agreed with a concept for vampirism in Skyrim, and I believed it would enhance gameplay, I added it.  I have gone from one esp file (no scripts) to what I believe is the most customizable vampire overhaul ever.  My customization power or MCM effectively lets each and every player be a vampire differently.

I have created this mod, but the community has helped design it!
I am proud of what we have accomplished!  Some features which people wanted implemented don't exist naturally in Skyrim (like sneak feeding) so they have been implemented as best I can using the game engine we are stuck with. 

However, I am annoyed when I read comments or anonymous posts on message boards about:
  • Better Vampires is overpowered?
    It's not.  It is more balanced than any other vampire mod I can think of ... It does have a lot of powers available, this is true, but you don't have to use them nor do you even have to see them.  Powers, spells, etc. can be disabled (or removed entirely with my MCM).  You can make this mod as easy or as insanely difficult as you want!  People have many different ideas about vampirism, so if you don't like a part of the mod you can DISABLE IT using the configuration power or my MCM.

  • Better Vampires is buggy? 
    Not really.  I have done my best with the game mechanics and scripting that we have.  Things like feeding will sometimes misfire no matter what I have done ... Sneak feeding can be especially wonky because it was never meant to exist in Skyrim.  Feeding on a moving opponent sometimes causes an alignment error with the navmesh in the game and your character can be teleported to the nearest idle marker.  Is that because my mod is buggy?  No.  It's part of what we must deal with as modders.  Many features of this mod are trying to force Skyrim to do things it normally can't - scripting can often circumvent game limitations.

  • Better Vampires is too complicated? 
    It has a LOT of options, yes, but I don't think it is too hard to play with in Skyrim at all and it is NOT going to make your game less enjoyable or have you micro-managing your bloodlust.  Initially, you will make all your choices in my MCM or customization menu/power and then turn into a vampire so you can play exactly how you want.  Just like in vanilla Skyrim, you have four stages of hunger which determine what spells or powers you have available.  I suggest referring to my progression charts on this site (or in my MCM) until you get to know what powers are available and when.  As you get stronger or older as a vampire, you get some rank abilities too; these may be tied to your hunger stages too if you wish.  The mechanics of vampirism are quite simple really, but you have to READ about this mod first!  Take 15-20 minutes to read through my website, learn how everything works, and your game will be less frustrating and more enjoyable.

  • Better Vampires is unresponsive or slow? 
    Now that depends ...  I'm not saying your computer is junky, ours are all different, but maybe you have too many scripted mods running at the same time?  Maybe you haven't
    been careful with installing or uninstalling mods and your game has become unstable or overloaded?  I have tested my mod with a script latency mod and I have conducted tests with several programs testing FPS and my mod won't cause your game to grind to a halt.  I have tested with only Better Vampires and Alternate Start installed and I have seen no latency or FPS issues even after 20+ hours of gameplay.  If it takes you 10 seconds to feed on a victim - it's not my mod causing it.  If it takes you 3 min to turn into a Vampire Lord - it's not my mod causing it.

Very few players understand how the game itself works.  I'm sure I still have a lot to learn too ... So before people start complaining about how Better Vampires is put together, try to uncover what else might be interfering or causing things to crash.  I play with this mod all the time, and besides the occasional glitch with feeding animations (which is a game issue), I don't experience what others have claimed in their games.

Have an idea or request?  Please share it!
I may not agree with adding some things to my mod, so don't feel insulted. 
If I like it I will try to add it!

Better Vampires will continue to improve in the future with your help!