As a Vampire Lord, you still get access to some of the abilities you had as a regular vampire (as long as you could use them while in regular form).
Vampire Lords will also be able to use: Sanguinem Reddere, Vampiric Mind Blast, Deflect Light and Shadows, Blink Attack, Frost Cloud, Blood Ward, Ice Flesh, Invoke Fog, Call Creature, Hemalurgic Spike, Flames of Coldharbour, Vampire's Seduction, and Domination. You will also still be able to create Thralls (Vampire Cattle) if your victim is incapacitated.  Most abilities have been scaled to increase in power with you as you level.

If you have Light Penalties enabled in the MCM, you will be unable to turn into a Vampire Lord.  Light Penalties will also automatically Revert Form if the light level is high enough when you are outside during the day (light level penalties can be disabled if you wish).

While in Vampire Lord form, you will be able to loot, activate, and feed on thralls, sleeping victims, those you use Seduction on, bleeding out victims, and on dead bodies (if you have it enabled). Animations for feeding only exist in this form for seduction feeding and force feeding.  I have also decreased the height of the wireframe model slightly so the Vampire Lord can move through doorways easily.  I have an option to allow your Vampire Lord to fast travel as well; look in my MCM or use the configuration power.

Unarmed damage and damage resistance are increased at lower levels and now scale up to level 100 (90-220 unarmed damage and 300-600 damage resistance).

You can drain health (and sometimes stamina and magicka) from your enemies to fuel your powers. Drain Life will now scale up to level 100 (30-360 health damage with a health drain of 15-30).  This spell will now help you level your Destruction skill!  If you select the option in the MCM this spell can also affect your satiation stage and blood points (if enabled)

You will enjoy enhanced vision in the dark. You will only be able to enable/disable regular night vision in Vampire Lord form, but it you want to use Vampire vision just enable it before you transform and turn it off when you revert.

You can raise the bodies of your fallen enemies to serve you. Raise Dead will now raise dead up to level 100 - the duration is based on your current level and lasts from 30-150 seconds.

Your health, stamina, and magicka will be enhanced even further and mortals will cower before your might. This perk gives you 35-300 extra health and 35-150 extra stamina and magicka depending upon your level.

This perk will reveal all manner of beings around you. It now has different colored auras for different types of actors (pink = living enemy, blue = living friendly, white = dead bodies, etc.) - its range will also increase with your level.

Your health and magicka will regen even faster when you are of a higher level and use this ability. It will regen Health at an increased rate of +100-400% for 15 sec, and regen Magicka at an increased rate of +60-170% for 15 sec. Stamina regen remains accelerated but constant. If you choose to have light penalties, this ability will be disabled when in direct light during the day.

You will be able to move much faster than mortals as you grow in power. It will let you move and attack faster for 5-20 seconds depending upon your level. If you choose to have light penalties, this ability will be disabled when in direct light during the day.

As a Vampire Lord, Night Cloak engages automatically when opponents attack you in close combat. It will do 10-20 points of damage per second (depending on your level) to opponents in melee range - it also drains 4-8 points of health (if necessary conditions are met). If you choose to have light penalties, this ability will be disabled when in direct light during the day.

Summoned Gargoyles will attack your enemies. Summon Gargoyle will now last from 20-180 seconds - the duration is based on your current level.

Paralyze your enemy – rendering them helpless. Corpse Curse will paralyze an enemy for 4 seconds (much more is too overpowered).

Grasp your enemy and choke away some of their life. Vampiric Grip will now do between 10-35 damage depending upon your level. This spell will now help you level your Destruction skill!  If you select the option in the MCM this spell can also affect your satiation stage and blood points (if enabled).  If you choose to have light penalties, this ability will be disabled when in direct light during the day.