* Please remember ... in Better Vampires, if you feed on a victim more than once in 24hr you drain them of so much blood that they DIE.  If a NPC is set to be essential, they will not die, but they will have a variable set so you can never feed on them again (see the FAQ page about this).  You can only feed on a dead body once.
* Feeding in Better Vampires is registered as an attack (except when feeding on your own thralls you've made).  People will become hostile if they see you feeding.
* Some forms of feeding/extracting must be turned on using the configuration power or the MCM.
* Combat Biting in regular Vampire or Vampire Lord form doesn't affect your satiation and doesn't count as feeding per se - but it does give you health from attacking your victim.

* As of version 8.4 (and onward), you will have to sheathe (put away) your weapons or spells in order to feed or extract blood.  This will help BV be more compatible with mods that add actions such as assassin stealth kills.

Feeding as a Regular Vampire

Sleeping Victims can be fed upon once they are completely asleep in a bed or bedroll.    You should be sneaking when feeding on a sleeping victim so they don't wake up and register your feeding as an attack.  Sometimes the animation for feeding may misfire if there isn't a suitable location beside the bed or bedroll (a navmesh or idle marker error/glitch).

Seduction Feeding requires you to use your lesser power, Vampire's Seduction, on a victim which mesmerizes them for about 10 seconds and allows you to feed.  You cannot spam Vampire's Seduction on a victim; they will be immune to its effects for a while after you use it on them.  You cannot use Seduction on a NPC while in combat.

Sneak Feeding is possible if you sneak up behind a victim and activate them.  Successful sneak feeding is an instant KILL.  At your lowest rank, there is a good chance they may break free of your feeding and flee or attack.  At your highest rank, your victims never escape.

Force Feeding is available if you activate your opponent in combat when they are bleeding out.  Force Feeding is an instant KILL.   
You drain whatever blood your victim had left.

Feeding on the Dead lets you feed on dead bodies and drink whatever blood they may have left.  You can only feed on a dead body if you are sneaking/crouching.  If you activate a dead body while standing it just loots them like normal. 

Extracting Blood Potions
* You can only extract blood while in regular Vampire form

Blood Potions
can be extracted from sleeping or seduced victims, or from Vampire Thralls.

Stale Blood Potions can be extracted from dead bodies, which are half the potency of regular blood potions.  You can only extract blood from a dead body if you are sneaking/crouching.  If you activate a dead body while standing it just loots them like normal. 

Feeding as a Vampire Lord

Sleeping Victims can be fed upon once they are completely asleep in a bed or bedroll.    You cannot be sneaking while in Vampire Lord form, so your victim will wake up and register your feeding as an attack.  There is no animation in the game for a Vampire Lord feeding on a sleeping victim.

Seduction Feeding requires you to use your lesser power, Vampire's Seduction, on a victim which mesmerizes them for about 10 seconds and allows you to feed.  You cannot spam Vampire's Seduction on a victim; they will be immune to its effects for a while after you use it on them.  You cannot use Seduction on a NPC while in combat.  While in Vampire Lord form, seduction feeding will KILL your victim and possibly grant you Vampire Lord perk points.

Force Feeding is available if you activate your opponent in combat when they are bleeding out.  Force Feeding is an instant KILL and it may grant you Vampire Lord perk pointsYou drain whatever blood your victim had left.

Feeding on the Dead lets you feed on dead bodies and drink whatever blood they may have left.

Amaranth Feeding (only at Nightlord Rank)
* Feeding on another Vampire drains them completely and kills them

Sleeping Vampires
can be fed upon once they are completely asleep in a bed or bedroll. 
  You should be sneaking when feeding on a sleeping Vampire so they don't wake up and register your feeding as an attack.  Sometimes the animation for feeding may misfire if there isn't a suitable location beside the bed or bedroll (a navmesh or idle marker error/glitch).

Sneak Feeding is possible if you sneak up behind a Vampire and activate them.  Your victim will never escape.

Force Feeding is available if you activate a Vampire in combat when they are bleeding out.  You drain whatever blood the Vampire had left.

Feeding on the Dead lets you feed on dead Vampires and drink whatever blood they may have left (if they haven't turned to ash ...).  You can only feed on a dead Vampire if you are sneaking/crouching.  If you activate a dead Vampire while standing it just loots them like normal. 

* Feeding may absorb some skill from your victim and pass it on to you!