8.3 (August 13,2019)

- You should use SKSE and SkyUI (lite version is fine) if you wish to use this version.  Skill points cannot be used without them.
You will need to use my MCM to allocate skill points (or turn this system off if you don't want it).

- Added in MCM Troubleshooting options to add to skill points, add to necks bitten, or zero all necks bitten.
- Tweaked Flames of Coldharbor to make it more powerful at higher levels.
- Tweaked Blood Ward so it is more powerful at your highest ranks.
- Tweaked several abilities so their magicka costs are not as prohibitive.
- Tweaked Vampire Drain so it increases in power as you gain levels OR as you gain ranks.
- Increased the stats and power of the Vampire Lord form at higher levels.
- Added in Supernatural Power I and II which you receive at your highest ranks - they give large stat boosts.
- Added in Drain Life (like Vampire Lord) that you can use in regular form when at your highest rank.
* As always, all features are optional and can be turned on/off in the MCM.

NEW FEATURE: By default, your vampire spells and abilities will need to be purchased with Skill Points.
These skill points are awarded upon earning a vampire rank and they can sometimes be earned while feeding.
Skill Points are spent to receive your spell/ability in my MCM; it is best to feed after to regain your full power.
Of course ... this feature can be disabled if you wish and you can have this mod act like it did before ...

Old Version Changes

8.2 (February 27, 2018)

- Tweaked Flames of Coldharbor to make it a little more powerful.
- Tweaked Blood Ward so it doesn't drain as much health to remain active.
- Tweaked some SKSE settings in both the Oldrim and SE versions of the mod.
- Added in two lines to the PlayerVampireQuestScript so the SE version is up to date with how vampirism is recognized in-game.
- SE Version should be used with SKSE64 now ... you can use all functions of the mod with it, including the MCM.

8.1 (July 8, 2017)

- Redid silvered weapons so they have a unique appearance (similar to steel, but with the silver hue).
- Added temper recipes for all silvered weapons.
- Destruction magic tags were removed from sun damage (apparently mods that increase destruction damage also increased sun damage with unintended results).
- Checked the "Disallow Spell Absorb/Reflect" and "Ignore Resistance" for many Vampire abilities - apparently those with really high magic resistance had the duration and potency of Vampire spells diminished.

8.0 (April 22, 2017)

- Added in the ability to engorge on a victim you feed upon when at the highest rank (Nightlord). When a Nightlord Vampire, feeding on a victim you will add to your total Health, Stamina, and Magicka. This can be disabled in the MCM or with my config power. If you cure yourself, the added stats will be removed - if you do get infected again though, never fear because your rank and all stat bonuses will return.

- Changed how the eye textures of those you turn are applied. My mod will now use the default vampire eye textures for all races so it will be completely compatible with any eye replacer mod you use.

WARNING: Default vampire eyes for Khajiit and Argonians are UGLY so please use another mod to make them look better.

(Jan. 2, 2017)

- Updated the Royal Bloodline patch so my spells, and Royal Bloodline's, can be used in Vampire Lord form.  You can also use all of his Vampire Lord perks.
- Added A NEW Sacrosanct patch!  You cannot use Sacrosanct's style of vampire progression ... but you have access to its Vampire Lord perks, regular Vampire spells, Hemomancy spells, and Vampire Lord spells.  Check my mod website FAQ page for more details.

- Fixed an issue where, if you selected a clothing change to prisoner's rags, enthralled victims may revert back to their original clothes if you leave a cell and then return.
- Fixed an issue where those you turn into vampires may lose their vampiric appearance (or vampirism) if you leave a cell and then return.
- An OnLoad function SHOULD help eliminate the Dark Face Bug (if you have SKSE) because it will refresh the NPC and reload their 3D model.  It will also happen when you change cells or wait one hour while in a cell with a NPC you turned.
- Added a new option to the MCM and Configuration Power; you can now choose to have those you make into vampires not change appearance at all, have them just get a new eye texture, OR have them change their race to a vampire one (only works with vanilla races).
- Adjusted Sidestep Reflexes with a delay timer after it activates so it will be unable to cast over itself - this should avoid people's slow time effect getting stuck.  WARNING:  If you mess with the game's timescale it will mess things up, like sidestep reflexes, because some effects rely on game time whereas others rely upon real life time - Skyrim is set up this way.
- Increased the amount you regen Health and Stamina when in direct sunlight once you have Sun Resilience at Nightlord Rank.
- Adjusted the Vampire Lord Freedom option so it SHOULD work with console players now (I cannot test here).  You should be able to access the map and inventory as a VL.  It sets your beast race to false, enables player controls, and enables fast travel; it's all I can do for those on consoles.

- Increased the rank when you get to use Blink Attack, it will now only be available for Master Vampires and Nightlord Vampires.
- Added in a NEW Vampire Spell - Hemalurgic Spike.  It is available once you attain Vampire Nightstalker Rank or higher.  A Hemalurgic bloodspike does <20-40> points of damage to Health, absorbs Health, and has a chance to absorb an opponent's skill or ability.  Higher ranks do more damage and have a greater chance of success.  See my website FAQ page for detailed information about Hemalurgic Spike.
- Added in a NEW Vampire Spell - Flames of Coldharbour.  It is available once you attain your highest Rank of Nightlord Vampire.  Coldharbour's flames act like a wall of magical fire and do 25 points of damage to Health and Magicka each second.  Most mortals flee in terror, whereas Daedra and undead often become frenzied.  If you have SKSE, you will automatically learn the Flames of Coldharbour enchantment too!  If you do not have SKSE, you will be given a dagger with Flames of Coldharbour that you can disenchant!

7.8 (Dec. 1, 2016)

- Fixed an issue where you couldn't feed on dead bodies as a Vampire Lord.  In all other cases, you must be sneaking to feed on the dead or extract blood from them.
- Increased the limit of those you can turn into vampires (with Prasestare) to 30.
- Turning others uses a reference alias (like Dawnguard) and there is no race change at all, so NO MORE GREY FACE BUG!  This also means that those you turn will have gold eyes, but they cannot glow.  This also means that those you turn cannot have vampire fangs.
- You will be able to turn a maximum of 30 individuals into vampires.  After that, you have to cure someone using Tollere or the game will automatically clear your oldest reference alias to make room for your new victim.

7.7 (Nov. 27, 2016)

- Fixed a small bug where you couldn't extract blood potions from a sleeping victim unless corpse feeding was also enabled - they are now independent.
- Set extracting blood and feeding on corpses so the extract or feed option will ONLY show if you are sneaking (crouching).  This will make looting bodies less troublesome; the option will not show up unless you sneak and the same time and want it to.
- Fixed an issue where you couldn't enthrall someone while they were bleeding out.

HUGE CHANGE to turning others into vampires!
- Turning others now uses a reference alias (like Dawnguard) and there is no race change at all, so NO MORE GREY FACE BUG!  This also means that those you turn will have gold eyes, but they cannot glow.  This also means that those you turn cannot have vampire fangs.
- You will be able to turn a maximum of 10 individuals into vampires.  After that, you have to cure someone using Tollere or the game will automatically clear your oldest reference alias to make room for your new victim.

- Blanking my mod using the MCM or configuration power will now also release all reference aliases.  It will effectively cure everyone you have made a thrall or turned into a vampire.  It's not that inconvenient though - just turn or enthrall them again if you wish.  This should make blanking my mod more complete and it may (may) avoid a corrupted save message with SE if you haven't cured those you turned.  It should leave the lightest footprint possible.

7.6 (Nov. 12, 2016)

Version 7.6 is identical to version 7.5 so no need to update. I changed its number to line up with my SE version which I am re-uploading for a texture fix.

7.5 (Nov. 9, 2016)

- BIG CHANGE!  I have added an option to the MCM and the configuration power to BLANK my mod.  This will reset all globals, dispel all BV magic effects, remove all BV spells, and stop all BV Quests.  Please use it help update my mod from an older version to the newest version.

1) Rest/Wait Inside for 24 hr in the Game
2) Make a New Save (not a quick save)
3) Exit the Game
4) Uninstall and Delete My Old Version
5) Install New Version
6) Load Saved Game from 2)
7) BLANK Better Vampires Mod (using power or MCM)
8) Make a New Save (not a quick save)
9) Exit the Game
10) Load Saved Game from 8)
11) Reset Your Vampirism
12) Use my MCM, configuration power, or console commands to set up your game
13) Wait 3 Days and Turn to Vampire

In the future, Update 7.5 --> Whatever, follow these steps:
1) Rest/Wait for 24 hr in the Game
2) BLANK Better Vampires Mod
3) Make a New Save (not a quick save)
4) Exit the Game
5) Uninstall and Delete My Old Version
6) Reinstall or Install a New Version
7) Load Saved Game from 3)
8) Reset Your Vampirism
9) Use my MCM, configuration power, or console commands to set up your game
10) Wait 3 Days and Turn to Vampire

- I have updated the customization power so you can get status updates and more detailed information about your vampirism when using it.  If you are sneaking when you use the power, it acts like a hotkey to display your status quickly in the top left corner.
- Customization power menu now has three new options at the end: one to turn off the movement speed penalty when outside during the day, one to turn off Sidestep Reflexes (slow time when enemy power attacking) if it is getting stuck for you, and I also added an entry to reset Vampire Lord if that form is wonky for you.
- I have tweaked the Vampire Hunters my mod introduces and fixed their textures - it should prevent any crashes with SE or consoles.
- I have tweaked Vampire Hunters so, if they are following you, they will NOT spawn right beside you when you enter an interior - they will now wait until you come out.
- I have updated the meshes for drinking blood potions and for Blood Wards (only Skyrim SE is affected) - they were missing textures before.
- I have changed some quest settings in the SE version to help provide more stability.
- Frost Cloud has been adjusted so it costs a bit less to cast at each rank.
- Mortals' Mask entry in the configuration power has been fixed so it changes the variable properly.

7.4 (Oct, 31, 2016)

- I have completely rewritten the configuration power so it can be used instead of the MCM (although the MCM is still better). Those without SKSE and SkyUI, or those on consoles, can use it to customize my mod. Look for it at the bottom of your powers list. It can be disabled in the MCM, or by typing this in the console and then feeding: set VampireMenuSpell to 10000

- Added in a new line in the MCM that allows you to access your inventory, spells, and fast travel as a Vampire Lord.
- Fixed one line in the attachashpile script to ensure that the body is disabled and only the ash pile remains.
- Added in temper recipes for all the silver weapons.
- Combat biting will now give you between 20-60 blood points (if they are enabled)
- Active effects now match the new rank names (Vampire Fledgling, Vampire, Blooded Vampire, etc.)

7.3 (Sept.15, 2016)

- Vampire Ranks have all been renamed to line up with the names of NPC vampires in the game (no, I still don't edit the NPC vampires at all). The new rank names in order of increasing power are: Vampire Fledgling, Vampire, Blooded Vampire, Vampire Nightstalker, Master Vampire, and Vampire Nightlord.
- Messages in my mod that refer to your status etc. have all been changed to first person instead of third person - I think it will sound better and make things a bit more immersive.

- Potion of Blood is now renamed to Blood Potion
- If you enable Extracting Blood Potions then potions from dead bodies will now be called "Stale Blood Potions" and heal as if you fed on a dead body directly (only if you have feeding off dead enabled of course).
- Stale Blood Potions are only half as strong as Blood Potions extracted from living victims.
- Fixed an issue where sidestep reflexes might act wonky if your weapon (or spell) is sheathed during combat. Sidestep reflexes will now only activate if you are in combat and have your weapon or spell out. It activates anywhere from 20-80% of the time when an enemy is power attacking - depending on your rank.
- Fixed a condition where VL would lose unarmed damage and damage resistance between levels 46-49 (thanks to ygidrazle).
- Fixed an issue where sidestep reflexes could activate while you were on horseback.
- Fixed an issue where you could extract blood potions from corpses even if you had feed off the dead disabled. If you turn off being able to feed on corpses, you will not be able to extract blood potions from them either.
- Fixed an issue where those you enthrall would change to prisoner garb even if you turned that off in the MCM.
- Fixed an issue where, if you select to be hated at level 4 and have no blood points, Mortal's Mask wouldn't work. If you have no blood points it will slowly drain your health instead.
- Reworked sneak feeding; if your enemy is alerted to your presence (combat state) you cannot sneak feed and kill them, they will turn and attack you. If you are undetected, sneak feeding will now be based on your rank as a vampire: at Vampire Fledgling rank you have a 60% chance of success, this builds to 65%, 75%, 85%, 95%, with 100% possible at your highest rank.
- Set the defaults in the MCM to what I prefer to start with - you can of course change things to whatever you want.

- The special silver weapons that the hunters use in my mod are now disenchantbable, but BE CAREFUL, if you enchant a weapon of your choosing and have it in your inventory and remove my mod, your game will crash.

WARNING: I did not change anything in this version with respect to the Blood Ward spell, but please remember that wards in Skyrim are under the school of healing. If you select my MCM option to be unaffected by healing spells, then wards won't work on you either.

7.2 (March, 3, 2016)

- Better Vampires will now have Dawnguard as a requirement for versions 7.2 and onward. I will no longer maintain a "No Dawnguard" version. I will continue to host old versions on my Nexus page if you still don't have Dawnguard ...

- Added in a new option for rank progression; you can now choose to advance through vampiric ranks based on the number of days you have been a vampire (this means it will not depend on the number of necks bitten). In the MCM you can customize the number of days between ranks.
- Tweaked the visuals and sound effect for gaining a rank.

- Adjusted the feeding perk so you cannot feed on Dremora.
- Adjusted the VL Drain so it now has more power at lower levels (popular request to make VL viable). It now starts at 50 damage and scales every 5 character levels up to 300 damage at level 60+
- Adjusted the Vampire Lord transformation fear effect so it will not affect anyone you have made into a vampire or any other Vampire Lords - this should solve the issue of people being hated in Castle Volkihar (the fear effect may have hit Harkon when you first turned).
- Adjusted the script that monitors and controls light penalties and sun damage (if enabled) so it will be less script intensive. It will now also monitor every 5 seconds instead of 3, this may help some people with slower systems or many script-heavy mods.

- Added melee damage and movement speed weaknesses when you are outside during the day (they can be turned off if you wish).
- Added an entirely new MCM page for "Strengths and Weaknesses". It will allow you to customize almost every minute detail of your vampire as you see fit. Please note: if some strengths or weaknesses are disabled the description of some magic effects will not change BUT your selections are implemented I assure you.

- Added a MCM option to let enthralled victims keep the outfit they had instead of being forced into prisoner garb (under Misc Options).
- Adjusted a MCM option so you can disable the facegen update for those you turn into vampires - this can help fix the grey face bug, but it has been known to make custom NPCs or those you have "beautified" turn ugly (be warned though, no facegen update means no race change either, they will not become a vampire race). Look for "Turned Victim Appearance" under General Options.
- Added a delay to the shader that gets applied when you first turn into a vampire - this should allow the animation from Harkon or Serana to play without interruption if they turn you.

7.1 (Sept. 6, 2015)

- Fixed a glitch where, if a combination of MCM options were chosen, Sun Resilience wouldn't function properly at Patrician and Praeceptor ranks
- The visuals for turning into ash as a regular vampire were changed slightly.  When you are a Vampire Lord, if you have turn to ash enabled, the visual will look more similar to Harkon's death (but not exactly).
- Deflect Light and Shadows will now last from 20-40 seconds.  It will help the ability be more useful at lower levels.
- You will now be able to feed off Falmer and bottle their blood (if you have extracting blood potions enabled).
- Adjusted the formula that adds to your destruction skill when using drain and VL drain so it will not provide skillups too frequently.

- Tweaks were made to stop some people experiencing ragdolling during sidestep reflexes.
- The clinking metallic sound some people experienced upon changing areas has been removed - sorry for any inconvenience.
- The "DLC1VampiresGrip" and "DLC1VampireGripDmg" VL spells have had "Ignore Resistance" added to them; this should help some people who didn't have the ability working properly for them.
- A few more changes were made to VL Raise Dead and VL Drain so they reflect changes in the Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.

- Adjusted the Vampire Lord Sun Damage/Penalties so it will not be overwritten by Requiem (load my mod after Requiem.esp, and load my patch after Better Vampires.esp)
- Adjusted Mortal's Mask so, if you are at Stage 4 (starving) with 0 blood points, it will still function.  If you run out of blood points Mortal's Mask will slowly drain your health to stay active.

- Replaced the default sound of drinking blood with an enhanced version created by jackofblades2010:  "When I was playing as a vampire I noticed when you feed I didn't hear any teeth going into flesh or drinking blood sounds ... I kept the original sound effect but added the proper sounds of biting flesh and drinking of blood. I am absolutely positive anyone who uses this will find it MUCH more immersive trust me."

7.0 (June 8, 2015)

- Both versions of my mod now reflect the most current changes/patches from the Unofficial Skyrim Patch and the Unofficial Dawnguard Patch

- Added a Requiem Patch to the installer!  WARNING: Your game will crash if you don't have both of our mods installed! Better Vampires MUST be loaded after the Requiem.esp, and my patch MUST be loaded after Better Vampires. It is recommended that you do not enable feeding off the dead or extracting blood potions - Requiem sort of handles this already.  I have adjusted satiation messages but disabled hunger messages (they do not integrate well with Requiem's messages).

- Updated the Royal Bloodline patch so you can now use Deflect Light and Blood Ward in VL form.
- Updated the no AoE VL Drain patch so it includes my recent changes (this patch now requires my mod though).

- VL Drain will now affect Daedra - not sure why it didn't before.

- You can now create thralls!  If a victim is bleeding out, sleeping, or under the effects of Vampire's Seduction you can overpower them and convert them into your own personal Vampire Cattle.  If possible, they may become your follower and you can leave them wherever you wish.  Please see my website for more details.

- VL Mist Form will no longer have footstep sounds while you are walking or running.

- Added in a MCM option to disable the heartbeat sound when Vampire Vision (red shading) is active.  Sometimes dialogue with a NPC will become bugged because a looping sound is being played on them.  It is recommended that you don't speak with NPCs while Vampire Vision is active, but this will eliminate the possibility of dialogue interruption if you want to talk.

6.9 (May 26, 2015)

- New MCM option (on Troubleshooting page) to make Better Vampires compatible with other mods that adjust weapon speed.  This should fix any crazy fast speeds and you won't need a PerMA patch anymore.  Thanks to raulfin!

- Added a new spell: Blood Ward.  It acts like a normal ward spell but instead of only drawing magicka for power it will draw upon the blood of the caster too; if you have blood points enabled, it will also decrease your blood pool while active.  It can increase your defense by 40-70 and absorb 40-70 magical damage depending upon your vampiric rank.

6.8 (May 21, 2015)

FEEDING HOTKEY! (customizable) Hotkey is set to V by default - status hotkey has been changed to X by default.
- Status message (when using the hotkey) has been compressed to only one line and will display Rank, Stage, time since last fed, and blood points (if enabled).  If you need to check the number of feedings/levels needed until next rank please see the Status page of the MCM.

- NEW ability (kind of) thanks to tx12001!  Night Cloak, once you have acquired it as a Vampire Lord, will be available in regular vampire form.  It will enagage when you are blocking during combat and will damage melee opponents for 8-18 health/sec (depending on level) and drain 4-8 health/sec (depending on level).  If you don't like this addition, it can be disabled in the MCM.

- NEW visuals for walking in sunlight (not the same as damage).  This is enabled by default but can be turned off.  If you just select visuals, you will smolder and your skin will look burned as you grow weaker (higher stages).  If you enable sun damage, you smolder at Stages 1 and 2 and your body will burst into flames at Stages 3 and 4.
- If visuals are enabled, your vampire smoldering and charred will have decreased speechcraft while in sunlight depending on stage (-10 to -40).  If sun damage is enabled, your speechcraft is decreased -15 to -70 as you burn.
- Mortal's Mask will now conceal your charred appearance and cover up the smoldering (you look more normal and have no speechcraft penalties) but it cannot conceal the flames if you enable sun damage (and/or special sun damage).

- Mortal's Mask, Reveal Auras, Vampire Vision (while crouching), Mistwalker and Domination will now all slowly consume blood points while active (if you have blood points enabled).

- The GetTimeDead condition has been removed from feeding on the dead - it may be less realistic (feeding on long dead corpses) but it will be more stable and more consistent whether feeding by activation or by hotkey use.

- Vampire Vision (activated while sneaking) and Night Vision have enhanced visuals; Vampire Vision will now allow you, when active, to hear the heartbeats of your victims grow louder as you get closer and closer.

- New MCM option to set the strength (brightness) of your night vision/vampire vision.  This should allow better compatibility with ENBs.
- New MCM option that allows you to reset Vampire Lord (or become one for the first time).  BE CAREFUL!  I have not had it break any Dawnguard quests ... but it is a possibility.  Only use this MCM option if something has glitched with VL and you'd like to reset it.

- Created a script that will try to refresh the facegen of NPCs you have turned whenever you enter a new cell (or one hour game time passes in your current cell); this will hopefully reduce grey face bugs, but it has no effect on some NPCs - even if you use the console.

- Adjusted the visuals, sounds, animations for turning others into Vampires
- Changed the visuals for turning into a vampire and added visuals when you increase in rank as a vampire
- Enhanced the visuals (and some sounds) for:  Blink Attack, Call Creature, Invoke Fog, Praestare Sanguinare, Domination, Tollere Sanguinare, Sanguinem Reddere, and Domination

- The MCM options of disabling food, healing spells, and potions will now only affect you if you are a vampire (should still be fine to use with custom races).

- Fear's Embrace and the Customization Power are old and clunky - they have been removed by default.  They can be added back if you wish by using console commands or my MCM.

6.7 (May 1, 2015)

- Vampire Drain, VL Drain, and Vampiric Grip will now help level destruction skill!  Thank you for the input CPAS!  You can adjust the amount of experience gained per second by entering the console and typing: set VampireDrainExperienceGained to X (x can be any positive integer; 20 is default).
- There is now a new way to add to your satiation (which affects stages) and Blood Points if you have them enabled. Look for a MCM option (under Miscellaneous) to allow Vampire Drain, VL Drain, and Vampiric Grip to add to your Blood
Points and allow these spells to affect your satiation and change vampiric stages.

- There will no longer be ML versions of this mod which double damage output; this will now be a MCM option (under General).
- There is now a MCM option to customize the light level threshold which determines if you are in a brighter area or in shadow - this affects light penalties and sun damage (if enabled).  BIG thanks to DRestroy for showing me how to accomplish this!

- The blood points meter can now have its transparency and scale customized via the MCM.
- The blood points meter will now have a slight color change based on your satiation; brighter red when fully fed fading to a dull red when your blood pool is almost exhausted.

- Message will no longer appear in the top left corner when combat biting displaying damage done.
- A minor reset of a NPC's 3D model will be disabled if you select those you turn maintain appearance - should help with custom NPCs.
- If in first person, the sound will now play when feeding on the dead (you still won't be forced into third person, so you cannot see the animation in first person).
- The cost of blood points (if enabled) for each ability has been doubled IF you have disabled the feed timer or if you have disabled recharge timers.
- The sound for Deflect Light and Shadows has been changed - it bugged me and I wanted something softer.
- The textures and mesh for using blood potions has been changed so it doesn't look like a healing potion.
- Vampire sight (normal, while standing) has been fixed so you cannot use it if you have zero blood points (if blood points are enabled).
- Successfully sneak feeding on a victim will help increase your Sneak skill.

- The damage of Night Cloak and the amount it drains from victims has been slightly increased, especially at lower levels.
- Adjusted Sidestep Reflexes (slow time) so it won't fire multiple times in a row during spammed NPC power attacks against you.

(March 9, 2014)

- Revamped (couldn't resist the pun) those you turn into vampires - they will now have a reference alias applied so you will see them feed more often; you can prevent my mod from having those you turn feed, use my MCM or the console command "set VampireVictimsWillFeed to 10000" (to turn this feature off)
- BV is now compatible with the Blood Thirst mod - those you turn will be able to use his scripts

- Adjusted Mist Form so you will no longer be able to hear your footsteps while it is active

- Added in an option to "Combat Bite" staggered opponents; your health must be greater than theirs and the bite requires 50 stamina to perform. If you stagger your opponent you must activate them (E key by default) for the bite option to appear.  The combat bite doesn't count as a feeding, but you will drain some of their health away depending on your level.
- You can disable combat biting if you wish, use my MCM or the console command "set VampireCombatBite to 10000" (to turn this feature off)

- Adjusted the option to disable the feed timer when using blood points - it would sometimes glitch and you'd lose some points when feeding after a few days.
- Reduced the volume of the sound that plays when you go outside during the day
- You can now completely disable the sound, message, and blurred screen you see when going outside during the day, use my MCM or the console command "set VampireGoingOutside to 10000" (to turn this feature off)

- Adjusted the blood spray that can sometimes occur when feeding: no blood will spray out of Sleeping, Fear's Embrace, Seduced, or Thrall victims; blood WILL spray out of the previous victims if you kill them though (i.e. you've overfed more than once in 24hr); once you acquire Amaranth, all feedings kill the vampires you feed on (blood will spray); blood will spray out from Sneak Feed, Force Feed, and all Vampire Lord feeding victims (VL lacks finesse)

6.5 (Dec. 31, 2013)

- HUGE CHANGE to abilities!  Powers (with the exception of Sanguinem Reddere) have now all become lesser powers with recharge timers - and you can disable these timers if you wish (but I don't advise it)
- Deflect Light and Shadow, Domination, Raise Thrall, Call Creature, Mind Blast, and Invoke Fog can now all be used more than once per day, so you should find them more useful
- Recharge times can be found in ability descriptions and you can check the Status page of my MCM to see which abilities are currently recharging

- Adjusted Domination and Call Creature so they use reference aliases for following you; they should act more naturally
- Adjusted Call Creature script so it won't keep updating for the duration of the spell if one or all of the creatures are killed

- Adjusted Sneak Feeding so it is not an instant kill if you are in the middle of combat and happen to get behind your target while sneaking; they still know you're there, so you'll inflict damage but won't have a guaranteed victory on first bite.  Also, if you sneak feed on them once, they'll not be fooled twice ...
- Adjusted Blood Potion Extraction (if you have it enabled) so you can extract blood potions from the recently dead
- Adjusted the folder locations for my NPC Vampire Hunters - a path was incorrect and may not have had vampire hunters with the proper meshes (may have still had a grey face bug on them)

- If you enable sun damage and blood points, your blood pool will also slowly decrease while you take damage

- Adjusted Night Cloak and Vampire Grip so they scale more accurately with you when you level; ML version will also have scaling with double damage output
- Returned the Illusion bonus for vampires from 10% to the vanilla value of 25%

- Added in another MCM (or console) option to be attacked by Tetrads of Vampire Hunters (four at a time) - if you want ...
- Adjusted the Fire Cloak, Flames, and Stendarr's Aura spells for Vampire Hunters so they now scale according to your level; AI should now allow for a better mix of melee and magic
- Increased the spawn distance of my mod's Vampire Hunters so they will not pop up on top of you
- Adjusted the AI stack of Dawnguard Hunters (from my mod) so they will follow more accurately
- Adjusted the tracking habits of the Vampire Hunters so they cannot find you as easily if you are sneaking
- Adjusted the spawning of Vampire Hunters so duplicates cannot keep spawning if you wait in one location for long periods of time without moving

- Adjusted how jump height bonus is processed; it should hopefully be more reliable (wait one hour each time you start Skyrim to have jump height changed - it cannot persist in saved games because of game limitations)
- Added in some script lines so if you defeat the vampire hunter T, he will not spawn once again after you make a clean install; if you wish T to stop spawning forever then enter the console and type: player.setav variable01 10000
- Adjusted the spell, Mortal's Mask, so casting it while already active will dispel it immediately; if it wears off naturally, you will still get a 20 second warning before it wears off - this will give you time to reapply if you wish
- Adjusted Mortal's Mask so it should no longer have your Magicka regen get 'stuck' being reduced
- Adjusted Night Vision so it should be more responsive to being toggled on and off and not glitch
- Adjusted the colour of Vampire Vision and the red screen when feeding so it is a darker red, and not so pinkish

- ADDED IN THE USE OF BLOOD POINTS! (optional); blood points will be consumed when you use your Vampiric abilities - abilities may be unavailable if you do not have enough points left; use my MCM or the console command "set EnableVampireBloodPoints to 10000" (set to 0 to disable)
- If you are using Blood Points, you can now disable the feed timer so time will not affect satiation, only your use of points will; use my MCM or the console command "set BloodMeterDisableFeedTimer to 10000" (set to 0 to restore the feed timer)
- Reveal Auras, Mistwalker, and Deflect Light and Shadow will no longer have Stamina or Magicka costs with Blood Points enabled; Reveal Auras will, however, slowly consume blood while it is active
- Please check out my mod website for even more details on Blood Points

- Added in a customizable blood meter to keep track of your blood pool (SKSE and SKyUI required)

- Adjusted scripting so you now see stage change messages as a Vampire Lord
- Adjusted Mortal's Mask and Frost Cloud so they now properly display cost instead of cost per second
- Adjusted Mortal's Mask so it wont raise your Illusion skill ridiculously fast
- Adjusted the volume of Night Vision and Vampire Vision so it isn't so loud
- Adjusted the PlayerVampireQuest script so you are added to a common faction with those you turned/summoned creatures when changing to a vampire and progressing through stages (it used to be only when you fed)
- Removed the General MCM option of "Only Blood Can Heal" and replaced it with 3 separate options in the Miscellaneous section so you can enable or disable the effectiveness of food and drink, potions, and/or healing magic
- Vampire Lord form will now have access to Praestare Sanguinare
- Mistwalker, Blink Attack, and Unholy Grasp have had their cooldowns adjusted to 1 hour, 2 hours, and 3 hours (game time) respectively - timers can be disabled in the MCM if you wish

- Added in an additional Vampire Hunter, but it's a bit of a surprise.  T is the one who is hiring the assassins to track you down, and this NPC will now make appearances in person to try and destroy you
- Added the spell, Stendarr's Aura, to some of the Dawguard Hunters my mod introduces
- Updated all the Vampire Hunter FaceGen data (many thanks to Void123 for this!) so there shouldn't be any face mismatches now.  This has increased the size of the download considerably though ... sorry.
- Vampire Hunters and Assassins will now be capped at level 200
- Vampire Hunters have had defensive perks added:  Agile Defender, Custom Fit, Unhindered, Shield Wall, or Power Bash depending on the NPC
- Silver poison has been strengthened on Vampire Hunter weapons at higher levels

- Added a new installer (fomod) for use with NMM so players only have one zip file to download that can easily install any of the 4 versions of my mod:  Dawnguard, Dawnguard ML, No Dawnguard, or No Dawnguard ML

- Added a batch file (- Remove Better Vampires -.bat) that will remove my mod entirely - particularly useful for troubleshooting or for those who install my mod manually

- Added in the ability to create persistent hotkeys, using my MCM, for every ability and spell!  Abilities and powers will be used automatically whereas spells will be equipped in the hand you choose.

- Added in the customization option to add bite marks (that heal over eventually) to the necks of your victims; use my MCM or the console command "set VampireNeckMarks to 10000" (to remove bite marks)
- Added in the customization option to remove the cooldown timers on Mistwalker, Blink Attack, and Unholy Grasp (they have cooldowns by default); use my MCM or the console command "set VampireAbilityTimers to 10000" (to remove timers)
- Added in the customization option to be hated at every stage if you wish - use my MCM to alter hate (no hate is default)

- Adjusted Vampire Lord abilites so they will be available if you fast-track and become a Vampire Lord before level 10
- Adjusted Vampire Lord transformations so you retain regular vampire abilities according to your satiation stage (and properly revert with the correct satiation stage abilities)
- Adjusted the description on Silver Arrows and Silver Bolts that you find laying on the ground; they used to say Steel instead ... sorry for the oversight
- Adjusted the Summon Gargoyle (as Vampire Lord) power so it cannot be absorbed or reflected (in accordance with USKP)
- Adjusted the Unarmed Damage magic effect so it is no longer classifed under Alteration (in accordance with USKP)
- Adjusted hotkeys (requires SKSE) so they function with OnKeyDown instead of constantly updating and searching for a key press
- Adjusted Fear's Embrace and Vampire's Seduction so they are now silent
- Adjusted Frost Cloud so it now slows your target more (impacts speedmult)
- Adjusted the feed option with Namira's Ring so it now displays "Cannibalize" as an option to avoid confusion

- Vampire Lords can now Force Feed, Sleep Feed, Seduction Feed, feed on thralls, and feed on the dead (if enabled); animations only exist in the game for seduction and force feeding though.

- Added in the ability, Amaranth, to enable feeding on other vampires when you are at your highest rank (it is enabled by default).  Amaranth also has a chance to absorb some of your victim's skills; use my MCM or the console command "set VampireAmaranthFeed to 10000" (to turn this feature off)
- Added in the ability to receive perk points with continued feeding after you attain your highest rank (it is enabled by default).  On normal progression you will receive a perk point after every 80 victims, for easier progression you receive a perk point after every 40 victims; use my MCM or the console command "set VampirePraeceptorPerks to 10000" (to turn this feature off)

- Adjusted Mortal's Mask so it now lasts for 15 min (real life) and can be dispelled at any time when you cast the spell while it is already active; once you see the message saying it is about to wear off, you can cast Mortal's Mask again to ensure your true nature remains hidden or just wait 30 seconds for the illusion to disappear
- Adjusted the messages displayed when you attain a new rank - some conditions prevented them from being displayed correctly before
- Adjusted the sun damage script so it will not spam cast revert form if you have light level penalties enabled
- Adjusted a few lines in the MCM to explain a more thorough method of upgrading/cleaning my mod
- Adjusted the VampireChange section of my script so it now sets stage and rank the first time you turn
- Adjusted two lines in my initialization script that may (or may not) have caused issues with my MCM loading - I never had this issue, so it's hard to say, but it may help

- Added in a customizable hotkey (V is default) to check Vampire status (SKSE is required); use my MCM or the console commands "set BetterVampiresUseHotkey to 10000" (to turn the hotkey off) or "set BetterVampiresHotkey to XXX" (using a DXScanCode from here: http://www.creationkit.com/Input_Script#DXScanCodes)

-BIG change to which spells/abilities are available in each satiation stage - please see the charts in my mod description

- Added in the customization option to have rank abilities depend on your satiation (it is disabled by default); use my MCM or the console command "set VampireRankAbilitiesSatiation to 10000" (to turn this feature on)
- Added in the customization option to remove frost resistance or fire weakness; use my MCM or the console command "set VampireFrostResistance to 10000" or "set VampireFireWeakness to 10000"

- Added 3 new pages to my MCM that display your progression charts (I know they look to be of poor quality, but I tried every dds setting to get them clearer ...)
- Fixed a couple of errors (they weren't game breaking) using TES5Edit, thank you Azakiel for pointing them out
- Fixed a glitch with Tollere Sanguinare where those you turned may turn back into vampires again after you "cure" them
- Edited Sidestep Reflexes so it will not initiate if you are in the middle of a Slow Time shout
- Edited main script to ensure it is registered for updates if you do not become a vampire normally (i.e. you use another mod to make you a vampire at start)

- Adjusted the levels of spells and abilities (like Mortal's Mask) to Novice so they cannot be spammed as easily to increase skill levels
- Adjusted and lengthened the wait times for Mistwalker (to 20 min), Blink Attack (to 40 min), and Unholy Grasp (to 1 hour); the timers are now for game time instead of real time - you can rest/wait to have them recharge and become available again
- Added messages to inform you of your need to rest (and let them recharge) after using Mistwalker, Blink Attack, and Unholy Grasp - and added messages informing you when they become available again
- Adjusted Reveal Auras so it will consume Magicka while it is active
- I made my own silver weapons for Vampire Hunters to carry, and I left the vanilla silver weapons unchanged and able to be enchanted if you wish (request granted)

- Added a "Status" page to the MCM - you will be able to see vital information about your character's vampirism

- Cleaned all versions of my mod with TES5Edit - I removed identical to master records

- Adjusted Frost Resistance and Fire Resistance values based on your stage of hunger.  New values scale from +10-40% Frost Resistance and -30-75% Fire Resistance.
- Adjusted Deflect Light and Shadows and Mistwalker abilities so they now consume stamina and magicka while they are active
- Adjusted conditions on NPCs you turn so they should no longer be immune to being cured after upgrading my mod
- Vampire Hunters (if you enable them) have had their stats increased to make them more challenging
- Adjusted Blood Potions so being able to extract them is separate from their effects
- Added in an option, MCM or console, to have blood potions affect your satiation and allow them to affect vampire stages: "set VampireBloodPotionSatiation to 10000"
- Added silver weapons to Dawnguard Hunters
- Fixed the stability of the rank weapon speed increase
- Updated scripts on those you turn so they will remain a vampire race even after cell resets
- Fixed the option in the MCM that can disable vampire weaknesses
- Added in an option, MCM or console, to remove the ability to 'breathe' underwater: "set VampireNoDrowning to 10000"
- Added in an option, MCM or console, to remove vampires turning to ashes upon death: "set VampireTurnToAshes to 10000"
- Added in an option, MCM or console, to have hunters force you out of Vampire Lord form when they attack: "set VampireHuntersRevertVL to 10000"

- Added in an option, MCM or console, to make your character look mortal once again if you use Mortal's Mask: "set VampireMortalsMask to 20000"
NOTE:  Any race, default or custom can use this spell, but ONLY default races will see a visual change back to mortality for the spell duration.  I am sorry, but I will not add in visual changes for custom races - updating my mod for all present and future custom races would be a full time job.

- Fixed the description for Vampire Charisma so other items with Fortify Persuasion and Fortify Speechcraft (like the Amulet of Dibella) display properly
- Dawnguard version only: Added absorb magicka to the Vampire Drain spell; it only drains magicka if the Blood/Tainted Blood of the Ancients (from the Bloodstone Chalice) is active
- Fixed jumping bonus so, when disabled, it will not interfere with other jumping mods you may install (it won't return every time you feed if you turn it off)
- Fixed Call Creature so wolves or death hounds can be called while in regular vampire form
- Added additional filters (ActorTypeGhost and ActorTypeUndead) to feeding perks
- Adjusted speed bonus when in your two strongest stages of vampirism (25% -> 20% and 15% -> 10%)
- Slight adjustment to Vampire Hunter tracking conditions
- Fixed a bug where players could repeatedly cast and stack Ice Flesh
- Fixed a line in Reveal Auras so level requirements are now correct for the corresponding magic effect
- Fixed part of the MCM where you could not re-enable the ability to heal yourself, eat food, or use potions (got stuck on only blood could heal)

- Added in an option, MCM or console, to have hunters attack you solo: "set VampireHunters to 10000", in pairs: "set VampireHunters to 20000", in triads: "set VampireHunters to 30000", or in random numbers: "set VampireHunters to 40000"

- Added in an option, MCM or console, to remove the ability to sneak feed: "set VampireSneakFeed to 10000"
- Added in an option, MCM or console, to remove the ability to force feed: "set VampireForceFeed to 10000"
- Added in an option, MCM or console, to remove Vampire's Seduction: "set VampireSeduction to 10000"
- Added in an option, MCM or console, to remove Tollere Sanguinare: "set VampireTollereSanguinare to 10000"

- Added in a new option for those you turn to keep all of their skills and abilities instead of mirroring your abilites.  USe my MCM or use the console command "set VampireVictimSKills to 10000"
- Fixed a MCM error with light levels regen not displaying values properly
- Fixed a MCM error where Seduction was removed by mistake if you removed Domination
- Added in more descriptions for MCM options
- Fixed the eye bug (requires SKSE) when you use Mistwalker
- Fixed descriptions for Sneak and Illusion bonuses when listed as active effects

- Added in a MCM!  SkyUI is required to use this configuration menu

- Added in facegen textures for the Vampire Hunters so there won't be any mismatches (Thanks goes to Void123 - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/28129)
- Edited several descriptions for grammar/consistency
- Fixed the eye glitch after you use Deflect Light and Shadows - it is a Skyrim bug, but I found a way to fix it using SKSE
- Fixed the jumping bonus gained with each rank - requires SKSE
- Fixed the description for Nightstalker's Footsteps - your sneak bonus was always there, but now the active effect will be listed
- Adjusted the timers for dynamic stages; they should more accurately reflect how much time you have left in your satiation stage
- Added customization for the red screen after you feed;  you can disable this red screen by using my MCM or the console command:  "set VampireNoRedScreen to 10000"

- Added in a new light penalty (light penalties can be disabled in the customization menu) - you will be unable to change into a Vampire Lord or remain in VL form in the direct light of day; you can only be a Vampire Lord in darkness, shadows, or during overcast weather

- Added 2 optional files for those who play at Master difficulty – these have the damage output of your character doubled so it can hopefully be more balanced for you
- Massive housecleaning and tidying-up of scripts
- Fixed an issue where you may lose your vampirefeed perk
- Fixed the description for Vampire Drain
- Adjusted Dynamic Stages - if you enable Dynamic Vampire Stages you will have to feed more quickly as you starve for blood (STAGE 1 ---12hr---> STAGE 2 ---6hr---> STAGE 3 ---3hr---> STAGE 4).
- Vampire Drain has been adjusted to inflict 6-30 damage/second, at a cost of 9-45 magicka/second (depending upon your level)
- Power and Magicka cost for Frost Cloud have been altered; 5-15 Health damage/second at reduced magicka cost
- Fixed ability to stay underwater indefinitely
- Adjusted notification messages when you advance in rank
- Added customization for status messages;  you can disable satiation (warning you of hunger) and feeding (number of victims) by using the console command:  "set VampireStatusMessages to 10000" - stage change and rank change messages remain unaffected
- Fixed Extracting Blood so others will become hostile if they see you
- Extracting Blood will no longer count as feeding - it removes blood from your victim and damages their health; if you extract blood twice in 24hr you will kill your victim, just like feeding
- Added in 50 magicka restoration when drinking a blood potion (sorry I forgot about those who are Vampire mages)
- Adjusted vampire jumping bonus; jump height has been altered according to rank and the bonus is disabled in direct light (you can change this by disabling sun penalties in my customization menu)
- Jumping bonus can be disabled with the console command:  "set VampireJumpingBonus to 10000"
- Adjusted the amount of health, stamina and magicka you recuperate when feeding off a living person (aligns with what you receive from a Potion of Blood) - if you enable feeding off the dead, you only receive half the amount from corpses

- Added another option for turning others into vampires: "set VampirePraestareRemoveAllFactions to 10000" - WARNING ... THIS WILL REMOVE THE INDIVIDUAL YOU TURN FROM ALL FACTIONS (may not be reversible); this was requested and it will make the NPC yours and yours alone, but they may still aggro if you initiate an attack on one of your allies - use wisely and please do not complain to me if you regret it later ;)

- Fixed an issue where sneak feeding and seduction feeding were overlapping in certain conditions
- Fixed seduction feeding so you do not have to sneak or stand behind your victim to avoid aggro
NOTE:  This only works in the Dawnguard version!  In the non-Dawnguard version you have to seduce your victim and feed out of their line of sight (go behind them to feed to avoid bounty)

- Added in another option to my customization menu - You can now extract blood and bottle it (if you wish) - no additional mod is necessary
- You can also choose if you want blood potions to simply heal you or also add to your satiation - blood potions won't help you advance in ranks though

- Added back the Feeding Fix for Custom Races - some were still having trouble so this should help
- Adjusted Frost Cloud so it slows down your enemy more noticeably (may be more useful)
- Adjusted the regular Vampire Drain so its message reflects the damage accurately
- Adjusted Vampire Lord Drain so its magicka cost scales accurately with levels
- Adjusted timing for feeeding yet again ... it may add an extra second but it will help those who process scripts slower so they can see the animation

- Added in a new console command so your rank can only depend on your feeding victims and not your level:
"set VampireNoLevelNeededForRank to 10000"
- If you have Light Level Penalties enabled, as a Vampire Lord you will be unable to use Mist Form, Supernatural Reflexes, Night Cloak, or Vampiric Grip if outside during the day in direct light

- Fixed areas of the game that were labeled as exterior/outdoors when they were actually interior/indoors - sun penalties and vampire strengths will now function properly
- Added in more scripting to overcome hate glitches in the game - you should only be hated if/when you choose to be
- Edited the Dawnguard source script so you no longer have two feed options; the "Feed" option will now work for everything, including the Moth Priest

- Added in sneak feeding!  You must be sneaking and your target cannot see you for the option to present itself.  There is a small chance that your victim may escape your grasp and run away, or they may turn to fight you off, but most of the time you will drain them of blood and kill them outright.
- Vampire's Seduction will now last for 10 seconds (will help make it more difficult to spam on a victim for an easy feed kill)
- You can use Vampire's Seduction on victims in Vampire Lord form and feed upon them - your assault will kill them, but it will count as a feeding toward your rank and it may absorb life and add to your perk progression as well (other forms of feeding are disabled when a Vampire Lord)

- Added in a bonus to jump height depending upon your rank
- Added a console command to turn off the vampire jump boost: "set VampireJumpingBonus to 10000"
- Added a console command to turn off the vampire speed boost: "set VampireSpeed to 10000"
- Increased (by request) the damage caused by Vampire Lord Drain and Nightcloak
- Increased the damage and slow effect of Frost Cloud
- Nightcloak and Supernatural reflexes will now function properly
- Visual effects will have your skin burn and char in sunlight (if you enable it) instead of having a smoking effect that hurts FPS - how much you appear to be burned depends upon your satiation stage
- Removed the custom race feeding fix from the customization menu - custom races will have a feeding perk added to them upon startup so it is no longer necessary
NOTE:  My mod makes no appearance tweaks, it only changes your standard race to the vampire race; you will have to use your own preferred mod(s) to alter your vampiric appearance to exactly how you want it
- Added in the option (in my customization menu) to disable the effectiveness of food, potions, and restoration spells - as a vampire you will have to survive on blood alone
- Added more console commands to turn off aspects of disabled food, potions, and restoration effectiveness:
"set vampirenofoodvar to 10000"
"set vampirenopotionsvar to 10000"
"set vampirenohealingvar to 10000"
- Adjusted timing with feeding - you should be able to still see the animations play and be able to move/draw your weapons sooner (this depends upon the speed of your computer and how many other mods are running scripts at the time ...)

- Bottled blood will heal you (health and stamina) and satisfy your hunger, but it will not add to your number of victims for rank progression
- When you transform into a Vampire Lord, those around you will run away in fear (no explosion effect or anything) for 5 seconds - those who hunt Vampires will be immune (certain creatures and machines are also unaffected)
- Added a console command to disable the fear effect with Vampire Lord transformation:
"set VampireLordFearEffect to 10000"

- Vampire Hunters will no longer attack while in the "Mind of Madness" (sorry about that one ...)

VAMPIRE LORD ABILITIES (scale up to level 100 for now)

- Summon Gargoyle will now last from 20-180 seconds - the duration is based on your current level
- Summoned Gargoyles will now level with your character
- Summoned Gargoyles and creatures from "Call Creature" will be allies now
- Drain has been readjusted to casue the correct amount of damage for each level
- Vampiric Grip will now do between 10-35 damage depending upon your level

- Added another console command to turn off the vampire speed boost: "set vampirespeed to 10000"
- Separated some magic effects in my night eye from the Khajit and werewolf versions - should be no conflict now
- Removed weapon sheathing if you drink a bottle of blood from the "Bottle That Blood" mod
- Adjusted Vampire Drain so it uses less magicka (proportionately) when you reach higher levels
- Conflicts with AbFortifyHealRate and AbFortifyStaminaRate have been fixed
- You will no longer be forced into third person when feeding on the dead or those you paralyze with fear
- Call Creature and Domination will have creatures/NPCs follow further behind you
- Fixed an issue with Sidestep Reflexes playing over itself (may have caused it to last longer)


- Adjusted the skeleton.nif file of the Vampire Lord so the collision box is slightly shorter - you can walk down corridors and through doors without issue now
- Adjusted eclipse effects so you will have buffs and no weaknesses for the duration
- Fixed the Serana bug where she drastically reduces the power of your drain attack
- Vampire Lord form can activate, talk with others, loot, and feed (but no animations sorry - that form does not have them)
- Added the following spells/abilities to the Vampire Lord Form (but only if you can use them at your current stage and rank before you change): Sanguinem Reddere, Vampiric Mind Blast, Blink Attack, Frost Cloud, Ice Flesh, Invoke Fog, Call Creature, and Domination
- Call Creature now summons Death Hounds exclusively when you are a Vampire Lord - otherwise, it calls regular creatures
- Sidestep Reflexes will no longer activate if Vampire Lord Quick Reflexes is in effect

VAMPIRE LORD ABILITIES (scale up to level 100 for now)

- The Detect Life spell now has different auras for different types of actors (pink = living enemy, blue = living friendly, white = dead bodies, etc.) - its range will also increase with your level
- The Power of the Grave gives you <35-300> extra health and <35-150> extra stamina and magicka depending upon your level
- Night Cloak does 2-20 points of damage per second to opponents in melee range - it also drains 1-10 points of health (with necessary conditions)
- Unarmed damage and damage resistance are increased at lower levels and now scale from level 50-100 (90-220 unarmed damage and 300-600 damage resistance)
- Supernatural Reflexes will let you move and attack faster for 5-20 seconds depending upon your level
- Corpse Curse will paralyze an enemy for 4 seconds (much more is too overpowered)
- Vampire Lord Drain has been reduced for lower levels and will now scale up to level 100 (90-300 health damage with a health drain of 15-30)
- Mist Form will scale from level 10-100 now, it will regen Health at an increased rate of +100-400% for 15 sec, and regen magicka at an increased rate of +60-170% for 15 sec
- Reanimate Dead will now raise dead up to level 100 - the duration is based on your current level and lasts from 30-150 seconds.
- Summon Gargoyle will now last from 20-180 seconds - the duration is based on your current level

- Adjusted feeding scripts to assist those who could not feed in certain circumstances (timing has been adjusted too for those not seeing animations)
- Adjusted the unequipping of weapons when you feed (if they remain out when the animation plays you can get stuck); your weapons will now be sheathed before you feed
- Adjusted Tollere Sanguinare to cure those you turned more efficiently
- Adjusted Mortal's Mask and hate issues when it wore off (you will not be able to cast this if you do not have hate enable in my menus)
- Adjusted how NPCs are turned into vampires (if an NPC is currently already in the PotentialFollowerFaction no changes will be made to their behaviour)
- Adjusted and added more Vampire Hunters - renamed to Vigilant and Dawnguard Hunters; they will now be allied with the Vigilants and Dawnguard (but if they attack you in town others will still rush to aid you)

- Removed the AoE fear effect upon transformation into a Vampire Lord
- Vampire Lord form can interact with the world (loot, talk to NPCs, etc.)

- Fixed compatibility with "Bottle That Blood" mod - install his mod first, then install mine and say yes to replace all file (earlier patch is no longer necessary)
- Fixed redundant "Resist Poison" showing up twice in active effects
- You can customize all the abilities and spells you have access to.  If you ever want to remove a spell, ability, or weakness for whatever reason, enter the console and type:
“set VampireVampireDrain to 10000”
“set VampireVampiresServant to 10000”
“set VampireStrength to 10000”
“set VampireSunDamage2 to 10000”   
“set VampireFearsEmbrace to 10000”
“set VampireDomination to 10000”
“set VampireVampiricMindBlast to 10000”
“set VampireDeflectLightandShadow to 10000”   
“set VampireNightVampiricVision to 10000”
“set VampireRevealAuras2 to 10000”
“set VampirePraestareSanguinare to 10000”
“set VampireFrostCloud to 10000”   
“set VampireIceFlesh to 10000”       
“set VampireCallCreature to 10000”       
“set VampireUnholyGrasp to 10000”           
“set VampireSanguinemReddere to 10000”       
“set VampireCombatBonus to 10000”   
“set VampireInvokeFog to 10000”       
“set VampireMistwalker to 10000”           
“set VampireBlinkAttack to 10000”           
“set VampireSidestepReflexes to 10000”   
“set VampireFallingDamageReduction2 to 10000”
“set VampireJumpingBonus to 10000”

You will have to feed once to have the settings take effect.
If you want to add that spell or ability, simply set it to “0” or use my customization menu and select the mod reset option – then feed again.

- adjusted sun penalties for zones that Bethesda labeled incorrectly:  Blackreach and Soul Cairn
(there are a LOT more that still need adjusting - send me a private message with names of any areas you find that should be interior but give penalities like an exterior area during the day)

- Created an alternate version of this mod for Dawnguard that will edit features of your vampire and the Vampire Lord (VL) form
- Call creature for Dawnguard users will now have a chance to summon Death Hounds too
- VL now generates a brief fear area effect upon transformation
- VL can now loot and interact with the world and talk to others
- If the sun is eclipsed, you will not suffer any sun penalties for the duration
- For Dawnguard users, Vampire's Seduction Feeding has been altered so it is a lesser power, lasts for 15 seconds, you can feed on any level NPC, and (if you use my * Feed * option) it will attract hate if you feed on someone in the middle of town - in addition, your target will become immune to another seduction for 10 minutes (3 hours in game) after they are no longer mesmerized


- Added compatibility with Dawnguard feeding and Vampire's Seduction - you will get a double feed option on sleeping victims, use the * Feed * option (it bothers me to have it like this, but the DLC was not packaged with source code so I had to rewrite my scripts and add them instead of replacing th originals)
- Vampire's Seduction, in order to be compatible, is unaltered and untouched by myself
- You can feed on those you use Vampire's Seduction on, but it doesn't use my script so they are not damaged nor can they be turned
- Added another customization menu option - you can now choose if those you turn into vampires take on a vampiric appearance or not (customized followers will not turn "ugly" if you don't want them to)
- Adjusted feeding so your weapons will be unequipped then re-equipped so there will not be a 2-3 second delay before you can fight again
- Also adjusted feeding so you will not 'miss' the body when feeding on those paralyzed or dead (there is currently no method to target your feeding on only the neck of the victim)
- Added in the ability to turn off Sidestep Reflexes if it is misbehaving on your computer - in the console enter "set VampireSideStepReflexes to 10000"

- Fixed the "chillrend bug" where the sound from using Ice Flesh can get stuck
- Added assault conditions to your feeding on dead bodies and those you paralyze with Fear's Embrace (if people see you feed, they are going to attack you)
- Fixed the customization menu so multiple options will register at the same time
- The customization menu will now have an (*) beside the options you currently have enabled
- Fixed a glitch with Call Creature where your summons may keep appearing upon transitions from exterior to interior to exterior

- ALL NEW CUSTOMIZATION MENU!  EVEN MORE OPTIONS! Instead of setting your options using powers, or setting up/resetting your character using rings, you can now interact with a simple menu to access all functions of this mod - look for {Customize or Reset Better Vampires Mod} at the bottom of your Powers Menu

- Health damage on those you feed upon has been adjusted - they will not die the first time you feed, but if you drain them twice within 24hr they will die (unless the NPC is set as essential ...)
- Call Creature duration has been corrected (they will stay with you for 10 minutes)
- Call Creature will now call Skeevers, Wolves, or Spiders to aid you; depending upon your location
- Vampire Hunters have been adjusted to be more varied and challenging (feedback appreciated)
- Regen rates for the Sun Resilience Perk have been reduced to be more realistic
- Very slow regen during the day is now possible at any rank IF the weather is overcast or you find shadows to hide in (based on light level; < 60) - this can be enabled or disabled
- Those choosing to enable slight or hardcore sun damage will find it more damaging (offset by the ability to regen in shade)
- A bug with Unarmed Damage displaying incorrectly at the enchanting table has been fixed
- Mortal's Mask will now be available at every stage (easier for you to favorite it if you wish)
- Mortal's Mask now comes with consequences for its use:  Magicka regen is temporarily reduced as the spell takes focus to maintain, and barter and persuasion are decreased because others have feelings of unease around you (even though you are cloaked in an illusion)
- Domination will now scale in duration as you increase in levels; it will last for 2-12 minutes. 
- Domination will allow you to give commands to your victim - draw your weapon, hold down the activate key on them, and move the cursor over people, places, or things to issue orders; sheathing your weapon will cause them to follow behind you

- Direct light during the day (>= 60) will cancel and nullify the following abilities:  Vampiric Mind Blast, Sidestep Reflexes, Mistwalker, Blink Attack, and Unholy Grasp.  You can remove these penalties by using my new customization menu (look for {Customize or Reset Better Vampires Mod} at the bottom of your Powers Menu).

- Coffin mesh has been removed from this mod - now compatibile with "The Shrouded Lair"
- Rank progression now has an easier option - victim count and required levels are reduced if you so choose
- Adjusted Blink Attack so it consumes all available stamina and leaves you slightly weakened for 10 seconds before you can cast it again
- Adjusted daylight levels so realistic sun damage (if you enable it) will act appropriately
- Added Blackreach to areas where sun damage/effects will not occur
- Mist Form has been renamed to "Mistwalker" and is slightly faster at each rank; it will now allow you to skim across the surface of water (no sinking)
- Mistwalker will also be able to be used in combat - it will dispel if you attack someone and if it wears off you will have to wait 15 seconds before using it again
- Vampire's Seduction has been renamed to "Domination" and the vanilla version of seduction (with more power) is reinstated to maintain compatibility with Dawnguard
- Mortal's Mask is now classified as an Illusion spell
- Falling Damage has been further reduced
- Added in an option for two-stage vampirism (type "set dynamicvampirestages to 20000" in the console
- Added comments that will appear periodically as you hunger - they will let you stay aware of your vampirism
- Adjusted Fear's Embrace so, if you kill your victim, they will no longer be classified as a teammate and you won't receive a letter of inheritance
- Adjusted NPCs that we turn into Vampires - they will now have their stats and skills increase as we level; they also have more of our Vampire rank abilities (Ice Flesh, Frost Cloud, Mistwalker)
- Added an optional file so you can choose to only have optional sun damage at Stage 4 (starved)

- Added in the following perks/abilities/powers to rank progression:  Sidestep Reflexes, Frost Cloud, Unholy Grasp, Ice Flesh, Call Creature, Sanguinem Reddere

- Added in the ability to feed on and finish off a combat target that is bleeding out
- Adjusted the damage and rejuvenation of feeding targets (if you feed on an NPC twice in 24hrs it will kill them); they will now have their health restored properly
- Adjusted Drain so it will be treated as a destruction spell - cost and damage will be influenced by your skill level
- Adjusted regen (or lack thereof) in the sunlight
- Adjusted sun effects so they will turn off when the light level is low
- Spells and abilities will remain static through your levels and ranks - you can set them as a favorites and they will stay there (a few exceptions though ... Reveal Auras, Mind Blast, Mortal's Mask, and Vampire's Seduction are removed at certain stages)
- Refined weapon speed and speed enhancements so they won't stack - Brehanin's Reset Ring will work properly
- The volume of the feeding sound on those paralyzed, bleeding out, or dead has been reduced by 50%

- NEW CONVENIENCE -- If you use my Custom Race Ring changing into a Vampire will no longer alter your appearance in any way! You can use the showracemenu without worries!
- Rewrote feeding script to eliminate glitches while feeding
- Adjusted compatibility with the 1.6 beta patch so you wont get stuck while feeding.
- Adjusted compatibility with "Bottle That Blood" so both our mods won't combine feeding damage and kill your victim (also adjusted so you wont get stuck while feeding).
- Adjust compatibility with IMCN so it will work with "Dynamic Vampire Stages" if you enable it (also adjusted so you wont get stuck while feeding).

- Added in reduced fall damage - it varies according to rank progression (12 yd. to 32 yd. with no damage whatsoever)
- Vampire ranks are now fully integrated into this overhaul
- Added in a new option: "Dynamic Vampire Stages" - if you enable it, you will have to feed more quickly as you starve for blood (STAGE 1 ---18hr---> STAGE 2 ---12hr---> STAGE 3 ---6hr---> STAGE 4).
- Adjusted camera view while feeding on paralyzed or dead bodies - will avoid rare instances when you can get 'stuck'.
- Adjusted feeding damage - NPCs will have their health damaged by feeding, and if you feed too often (2 times in 12 hours) they will die.  An individual NPC will regen this health loss after 12 hours game time and you can safely feed again.
- Adjusted Reveal Auras so it will be disabled when you enter your weakest vampiric stage

- Adjusted compatibility with "Bottle That Blood" so both our mods won't combine feeding damage and kill your victim.
- Adjust compatibility with IMCN so it will work with "Dynamic Vampire Stages" if you enable it

- Added in a new option:  you can choose if you want feeding on recently dead bodies to progress you through vampiric stages and count as feeding victims -OR- you can choose to have them only provide a little sustenance and not progress you or increase your feeding victim count (my mod is set to this by default, change it if you like)

- Vampire's Servant will now be able to reanimate stronger bodies and they will serve you longer
- "Veil of Fear" is now called "Fear's Embrace" - you must sneak up behind your target to use it
- All spells, powers, and abilities now have the prefix "Vampire - " so they group together at the bottom of your menus
- Reveal Auras is now a toggle-able lesser power (not a spell) - it will work permanently unless you enter combat, then it will shut off and re-engage when the last enemy is dead
- Feeding on dead bodies has been readjusted so the window of opportunity (time after death) is smaller
- Vampire Vision has new visuals and will refresh more often (every 4 sec) so there should not be any gaps
- Vampire Drain has new sound effects and has been readjusted to have better scaling damage and cost
- Blink Attack and Vampiric Mind Blast now consume stamina when used
- Invoke Fog is now even thicker and more effective than before

- Those you turn into Vampires will now feel hunger and feed when their bloodlust peaks (around every 24 hours, depending upon the availability of prey).
- Options have now been moved to the bottom of your Powers Menu - you can still completely remove them if you wish.
- Vampire carrying weight has been enhanced; you can now carry 20-100 more depending on your level
- Invoke Fog now has thicker fog to protect you from the harsh rays of the sun
- Blink Attack requires more focus and concentration; you cannot activate it while trying to sneak at the same time.  It will now require 40 stamina to use.
- Deflect Light and Shadow has now had its duration shortened to 15-35 seconds (depending on your level) so it wont be so overpowered.  You can use it defensively or offensively.
- Vampiric Mind Blast's duration has been reduced to 1-4 seconds (depending on your level) so it wont be overpowered. It will now require at least 50 stamina to use and it will consume all available stamina to fuel the blast.
- Vampiric Night Vision now allows you to see feeding targets through solid objects.
- If you cast Reveal Auras while Vampiric Night Vision is engaged, auras will become permanent until you toggle Vampiric Night Vision off.

- COMPATIBILITY WITH CUSTOMIZED RACES!  Use the "Custom Vampire Ring" that will be added at the bottom of your inventory!  It will set variables and reinfect your customized race with vampirism.  You will be able to play my mod as a customized race and enjoy all of the abilities and powers!  Use "Brehanin's Reset Ring" to remove this change.

- Adjusted "Brehanin's Reset Ring" to better reset variables and remove any odd behaviour.

- Adjusted Vampiric Drain so it will scale properly with health/stamina damage and magicka use.
- Adjusted the radial blur (a bit) on normal and Vampiric night vision.
- Fixed the weapon speed bug with ranks.
- Vampires are unable to drown (I am still torn on this one ><).

- Night vision will now work like vanilla Skyrim, however, crouching to concentrate (sneaking) while activating will enable Vampiric Night Vision.  It has a red hue and increases brightness and contrast more than normal.  You can also see a supernatural glow around potential feeding victims.
- Adjusted Mist Form to look better and eliminate footstep sounds.
- Adjusted Invoke Fog so it is now a power that is usable once per day.
- Fixed a problem with Blink Attack where certain ranks could not use it.
- Fixed a conflict with the Quick Shot perk.

- Fixed a glitch while resting in shade with sun damage enabled.
- Feeding will restore a small amount of your health and stamina.
- Adjusted the range of Reveal Auras to make it more useable at lower levels.
- Adjusted sneak power mod of Invoke Fog to make it more balanced.
- Adjusted Night Vision to make it a little easier on the eyes.
- Adjusted "Mortal's Mask" so you can cast it before you change into your hated stage and it will continue working after the change - no hate, but the spell will only last for 10 minutes.
- Blink Attack's range (50'-200') will now scale according to your rank.
- Mist Form has been readjusted to have a speed increase from 25-60%; it was previously overpowered.
- "Brehanin's Reset Ring" will now also reset your speedmult if it gets glitched.
- Added a new ring upon startup:  "Vapirism Reset Ring".  ONLY use it if you have some sort of glitch; it cures you of vampirism, resets the PlayerVampireQuest, and then reinfects you with Sanguinare Vampiris.  You then have to wait and become a vampire naturally.
- Added in a better description for your Vampiric Stage under "Active Effects" - it also has a timer (real life time) to let you know when you will progress to the next stage (not perfect, but pretty accurate).

- There are a lot of changes.  SEE MY CHARTS BELOW FOR MORE DETAILS
- Rank progression is still optional, but has been readjusted.
- Powers and abilities now scale according to your level.
- Mist Form is now toggle-able and offers a huge speed bonus to help with travelling (scales with level).
- Night Vision has been rewritten with new visuals and sound effects.
- Veil of Fear can now be used 3 times in 24 hours (can not be used in combat).
- Praestare Sanguinare is now a lesser power.  Go forth and multiply!
- Conflict with Dual Flurry Perk and weapon speed from Rank Progression has been fixed.

- There are a lot of changes.  SEE MY CHARTS BELOW FOR MORE DETAILS
- Rank progression is still optional, but has been readjusted.
- Powers and abilities now scale according to your level.
- Mist Form is now toggleable and offers a huge speed bonus to help with travelling (scales with level).
- Night Vision has been rewritten with new visuals and sound effects.
- Veil of Fear can now be used 3 times in 24 hours (can not be used in combat).
- Praestare Sanguinare is now a lesser power.  Go forth and multiply!
- Conflict with Dual Flurry Perk and weapon speed from Rank Progression has been fixed.

- Compatibility with "Bottle That Blood" (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=13005).  My mod has to be installed after/over it.
- A new long-term Rank Progression (optional) has been introduced!  It is in addition to the regular progression through stages.  Please see the new abilities below and the chart outlining the rank system.

- Compatibility with "Bottle That Blood" (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=13005).  My mod has to be installed after/over it.
- A new long-term Rank Progression (optional) has been introduced!  It is in addition to the regular progression through stages.  Please see the new abilities below and the chart outlining the rank system.

- If you choose to have sun damage, it will behave more realistically.  You will not take damage during really overcast weather or while in shadows - health and stamina will slowly regen as well.

- NPCs that you make into vampires will now be potential followers after using Praestare Sanguinare - you no longer have to cast Seduction on them after you turn them.

- You can now cure and reset those NPCs whom you have made into Vampires with the Restoration spell "Tollere Sanguinare"

- NPCs that you make into vampires will now be potential followers after using Praestare Sanguinare - you no longer have to cast Seduction on them after you turn them.

- NPCs that you make into vampires will now stay removed from their crime factions upon saving, exiting the game, and reloading.  Vampire followers will no longer hate you at your vilest stage (Stage 4 by default).

- NPCs that you make into vampires will now have your skills and spells at their disposal (except for making others vampires and constant damage in the sun).

- More random Vampire Hunters have been added with different weapons and attacks (if you choose to enable this).

- Vampire Hunters should now spawn more naturally (if you choose to enable this).

- Vampire's Seduction has been adjusted - charmed NPCs will cease to follow you while fast traveling.  THIS POWER WILL NOW REMOVE YOUR TARGET FROM ALL OF THEIR PREVIOUS FACTIONS.  I strongly recommend that you do NOT use it on any NPC with dialogue options (i.e. those in town or used in quests).

- The feeding animation for those recently dead or paralyzed has been fixed so your vampire will not 'miss' while having a drink.

- NPCs that you make into vampires will now stay removed from their crime factions upon saving, exiting the game, and reloading.  They will not hate you at your vilest stage (4 by default).
- NPCs that you make into vampires will now have your skills and spells at their disposal (except for making others vampires and constant damage in the sun).

- More random Vampire Hunters have been added with different weapons and attacks (if you choose to enable this).

- Vampire Hunters should now spawn more naturally (if you choose to enable this).

- Vampire's Seduction has been adjusted - charmed NPCs will cease to follow you while fast traveling.  THIS POWER WILL NOW REMOVE YOUR TARGET FROM ALL OF THEIR PREVIOUS FACTIONS.  I strongly recommend that you do NOT use it on any NPC with dialogue options (i.e. those in town or used in quests).

- Vampire's Seduction works differently on NPCs you have previously turned into Vampires.  It will not remove them from any factions, but it WILL now allow them to be your follower!  Be warned though, they will hate you as a blood-starved Vampire, just like everyone else.

- I have removed the requirement (a leftover from vanilla Skyrim) that your character have the keyword "Vampire" attached to your race; this SHOULD allow you to feed even if you use a custom race mod ... should

- NPCs that you make into vampires will now be removed from their respective crime faction and NOT hate or attack you when you are the vilest stage of vampirism.

- A new ring has been added to your inventory the first time you feed ... It will let you reset all of my mod's global variables and remove all the spells my mod gives you.  If you wait 24 hours or feed again, everything will be restored.
- You can use this ring if things glitch or you can use this to clear your game before you remove my mod.

- Vampire Hunters (WiP) can be toggled on or off.  They have a random chance of hunting you after you feed on X number of victims.  Vampire Hunters will only come after you while outside during daylight hours (when a Vampire is weakest); they are based on your level, strength and skills so they will be challenging, yet fair.

- Deflect Light and Shadows has been rewritten and does not depend on game time anymore; it will no longer glitch if you are in a menu/travelling when it expires.

- A new ring will be added to your inventory the first time you feed ... It will let you reset all of my mod's global variables and remove all the spells my mod gives you.  If you wait 24 hours or feed again, everything will be restored.
- You can use this ring if things glitch or you can use this to clear your game before you remove my mod.

- Vampire Hunters (WiP) can now be toggled on or off.  They have a random chance of hunting you after you feed on X number of victims.  Vampire Hunters will only come after you while outside during daylight hours (when a Vampire is weakest); they are based on your level, strength and skills so they will be challenging, yet fair.

- Deflect Light and Shadows is fixed; your invisibility will now last for 3 minutes and wear off when it should
- If you turn on sun damage, you will no longer be able to rest outside from one night to the next without dying (try it, I dare you . . .)
- A new option lets you choose whether your Vampire is hated at stage 1 (fully fed) or stage 4 (blood starved)
- Reverse progression has been fixed

- "Mortal's Mask" is now a power that removes all hate towards you at your vilest stage of vampirism; it will last for 10 minutes.
- Turning NPCs into Vampires will no longer remove dialogue options

- A new option lets you choose whether your Vampire is hated at stage 1 (fully fed) or stage 4 (blood starved)

- A New Illusion Spell, "Mortal's Mask", will remove all hate towards you at your strongest stage of vampirism; it will last for 15 minutes and you can cast it as many times as you like.
- Reverse Vampire Progression is now a complete mirror image of Normal Vampire Progression
- Turning NPCs into Vampires should no longer remove dialogue options

- New animations and sound effects added!
- A New power, "Praestare Sanguinare", allows you to turn your next feeding victim into a Vampire ally.  It is 100% effective, but you must feed within 30 seconds.
- A New power, "Deflect Light and Shadow", now replaces the old invisibility spell . . . you can now interact with the environment and/or attack while remaining invisible for 2 minutes!
- Animations are now available for feeding off of paralyzed victims and the recently dead
- Vampire Drain has been reworked so it absorbs both health and stamina - it is now scaled and increases in potency with your level

- New animations and sound effects added!

- A New power, "Praestare Sanguinare", allows you to turn your next feeding victim into a Vampire ally.  It is 100% effective, but you must feed within 30 seconds.

- A New power, "Deflect Light and Shadow", now replaces the old invisibility spell . . . you can now interact with the environment and/or attack while remaining invisible for 2 minutes!

- Animations are now available for feeding off of paralyzed victims and the recently dead

- Vampire Drain has been reworked so it absorbs both health and stamina - it is now scaled and increases in potency with your level

- HUGE CHANGE to how you can use my mod!
You don't have to download different 'flavors' if you want sun effects or sun damage . . . they are now toggled in game.  Check out your lesser powers and you can choose how you want to play as a Vampire!
- You have the option of setting up this mod and then removing all of the items from the Powers menu - less clutter - and ALL of your choices will be saved

- A New spell, "Deflect Light and Shadow" now replaces the old invisibility spell . . . you can now interact with the environment and/or attack while remaining invisible for 2 minutes!

- Factions have been adjusted so other Vampires are neutral while other creatures remain hostile
- Vampire's Seduction has been adjusted so your new ally is less likely to back away from a fight
- Movement speed has been increased for the two strongest stages of vampirism
- You will now turn into an ash pile if you die as a Vampire

- HUGE CHANGE to how you can use my mod!
You don't have to download different 'flavors' if you want sun effects or sun damage . . . they are now toggled in game.  Check out your lesser powers and you can choose how you want to play as a Vampire!

- A New spell, "Deflect Light and Shadow" now replaces the old invisibility spell . . . you can now interact with the environment and/or attack while remaining invisible for 2 minutes!

- Factions have been adjusted so other Vampires are neutral while other creatures remain hostile
- Vampire's Seduction has been adjusted so your new ally is less likely to back away from a fight
- Movement speed has been increased for the two strongest stages of vampirism
- You will now turn into an ash pile if you die as a Vampire