Vampire Hunters Don't Hate Me

If you ally yourself to the Vigilants of Stendarr or the Dawnguard, then the Vampire Hunters will not be hostile to you. My Vampire Hunters are unique, but I had to make them allies with those other factions because otherwise, regular hunters would attack my hunters instead of joining together to destroy you (it really didn't feel right).

If you turn one of the hunters into a vampire, they will be allied to you and all subsequent hunters will be too - I recommend you do not turn Vampire Hunters, no matter how tempting it may be.  If you insist on being with the Dawnguard I suggest disabling hunters, or you can follow my advice below.

There are console commands to change faction relations, but I highly recommend you be careful ...  You could make the Dawnguard hate you (set as enemies) if you really wanted to. My mod makes no faction adjustments by itself, but if you make changes manually they can become baked into your save game if you are not careful.

Try entering the console and typing:

     set VampireHunterFactionRemoval to 10000

The above console command will only work for Vampire Hunters that spawn after the global variable has been altered.  Resetting my mod will change this global back to 0.

If that doesn't work, and you insist on being allied to the Dawnguard, want the vampire hunters to hate you, and don't mind messing with faction relations, you can try the following console command:

     player.addtofaction  02014217 -1

The faction ID for the Dawnguard faction may begin with 03 instead of 02 ... it depends on your load order.  Valid numbers for the faction rank vary, but 0 will always add the actor with the lowest possible faction rank and -1 will remove the actor from the faction.

Vampire Hunters Aren't Spawning

I won't go into the exact conditions and formulas, but Vampire Hunters are scripted to track you based on the number of victims you leave in your wake.  The more you feed, the easier you will be to track and they will find you faster.

Vampire Hunters are much more likely to attack during the day than at night.

It is possible that they are having a hard time tracking you down, or they may sometimes find you right away - you'll never know when they might show up.  Even as the mod developer, I never know when they will find me and I find it adds a nice level of excitement to the game.

NOTE:  If a Vampire Hunter (or Hunters) take a while to track you down they can sometimes (but rarely) join up with other hunters to try and wipe you out.  I've only seen it once though.

Don't forget ... some other mods also add Vampire Hunters to the game, but they aren't from my mod.  My Vigilant Hunters, Dawnguard Hunters, or Hired Assassins all have specially enchanted silver weapons that can really mess you up.