Not Using BV Scripts

My mod (the PlayerVampireQuest script) is set up change a global variable when you change, feed, progress, etc. This global variable is used to identify which part of the script is processing and what your satiation stage and rank are.

The default variable value is 666, and it will ONLY change if you turn into a vampire first, feed once (not a dead body unless set to advanced feeding), or change a satiation stage.

However ... if you feed and my mod doesn't properly recognize your information the most likely candidate is another mod that affects the VampireFeed perk.  My mod uses a target for VampireFeed whereas the vanilla (and most other) versions do not.  If your game uses my script BUT another mod is loaded after mine it may replace my VampireFeed and the script will not process properly.

It is also possible that, during installation, you may have said "No" to replace some scripts (like PlayerVampireQuest).  If you don't replace all scripts with my versions, the global variables will not be set; my MCM will report global variable issues which indicate my PlayerVampireQuest script is not running.

I have also found that, when using Mod Organizer, if you only disable my esp file (in the right hand pane) and do not disable my mod folder (in the left hand pane) then you are unable to create a "clean" save properly and my mod will not work.  A similar issue might exist with NMM.  Make certain you use my batch file to completely delete my mod when upgrading or doing my troubleshooting steps.

When you feed, the VampireFeed perk directs you to the PlayerVampireQuest script (my version of it) and when it processes the first thing it does is set a global variable. This global variable is what the status page of the MCM checks to determine what part of the script is processing (I.e. If you just fed, if you just turned into a vampire, if the script is monitoring, etc.). If this global variable is not set at all, then that is why my mod reports that you aren't using my script ... 
Here are some lines from my mod's MCM - please note the messages and the global variable:

If UsingBetterVampiresScripts.GetValue() == 1
_UsingBetterVampiresScriptsOID_T = AddTextOption("BV Scripts: Monitoring... (OnUpdateGameTime)", "")
ElseIf UsingBetterVampiresScripts.GetValue() == 2
_UsingBetterVampiresScriptsOID_T = AddTextOption("BV Scripts: Transformed (VampireChange)", "")
ElseIf UsingBetterVampiresScripts.GetValue() == 3
_UsingBetterVampiresScriptsOID_T = AddTextOption("BV Scripts: Just Fed (VampireFeed)", "")
ElseIf UsingBetterVampiresScripts.GetValue() == 4
_UsingBetterVampiresScriptsOID_T = AddTextOption("BV Scripts: Stage/Rank Set (VampireProgression)", "")
_UsingBetterVampiresScriptsOID_T = AddTextOption("NOT using Better Vampires Scripts", "")

As you can see, if the global variable, UsingBetterVampiresScripts, is not set it defaults to "NOT using Better Vampires Scripts".
When the script is updating (set to every hour in game to monitor satiation) it is set to 1.
When you first change into a vampire it is set to 2.
When you feed on a victim it is set to 3.
When the script processes your stage and rank and awards the necessary powers it is set to 4.

IF the global variable is at 0, then you haven't fed or you have cured yourself. My mod will never USE my scripts until you change into a vampire or feed once initially.


If my mod says you aren't using it's scripts, then your feeding perk isn't mine (possible load order), you aren't yet a vampire, you haven't fed once as a vampire, or perhaps your game is accessing an old version of the PlayerVampireQuest script isn't mine. There's really only four possibilities as I see it.

Check your load order (I highly recommend using LOOT) and ensure another mod isn't loading mine and overwriting important items.  Refer to my troubleshooting page for details on load order. 

Also, if you don't upgrade my mod correctly from an old version, or install it properly initially, (check my steps on the Troubleshooting page) you could have multiple versions (or a vanilla version) of the PlayerVampireQuest and/or my MCM scripts running - that will really make things glitch. 

Follow my steps on the troubleshooting page to the letter; you must reset vampirism, then delete my mod and not just disable it for a clean save.  Use the batch file to ensure you delete my mod entirely, then clean save (real save, not a quick save), then reinstall.

It may be a NMM or MO error too, so try to download my mod manually (save the zip file to your desktop) and use NMM or MO to install my mod - direct it to the file you downloaded.


Your game may have a conflicting mod you cannot see in NMM or MO.

1)  Run the vanilla game loader "The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim".
2)  Click on "Data Files" and ensure you don't have any mods conflicting that are from the Steam Workshop.
3)  If any conflicting files are found, uncheck them or unsubscribe from the Steam Workshop.

If in doubt, use my batch file that will delete all aspects of my mod. 
It will ALSO delete any offenders which may be overwriting my scripts that you might not be able to see in your Mod Manager.