I Can't Feed

You may have used the showracemenu in the console.  Use the setrace console command instead.  Showracemenu can often break vampirism.  Use my mod's reset vampirism menu option after you force a race change.

You will be UNABLE to feed (option won’t even show) if:

- You have just activated or reset my mod and you haven't fed on a sleeping victim - other methods of feeding will be unavailable until you feed the first time and activate the scripts
- You are not one of the the vanilla Skyrim vampire races (your race must have the keywords "Vampire" and "ActorTypeUndead" attached to it) * Contact your custom race mod’s author.
- Your target is not a regular race (Nord, Redguard etc.- ActorTypeNPC keyword)
- Your target is a child
- Your target is a vampire (unless you are at highest rank with Amaranth perk)
- You are not sneaking (applies to sneak feed and Fear's Embrace); to feed on a dead body you need to be sneaking too
- Your target is not sleeping or paralyzed or recently dead (within 1-2 min)
- The vampirefeedready global variable is set to 1 (part of the original script)
- You have overfed on an essential NPC - they weren't killed, but have a flag added to them so you cannot feed indefinitely (open console, click on NPC, type:  setav variable08 0)

You have to feed on a corpse that is recently killed.  Sometimes, because of the timing of scripts and when Skyrim actually flags a NPC as dead, you may have more time to feed on a dead body or you may be unable to feed in as little as 15 seconds.  Sadly there is nothing more I can do on my end with respect to timing - but it works 90% of the time so I am satisfied with the results.

Entering a new area that already has dead bodies in it will allow you to feed on them at any time because no time of death has been recorded for the NPC - no ToD means no timeframe that you have to feed within.

You can try to reset your vampirism if things have glitched. Use the "Reset Better Vampires" menu option and then use the "Reset Sanguinare Vampiris" menu option. Wait as you would normally and turn back into a vampire; once you feed things should be back to normal.

You can also try to disable my mod, delete all files related to my mod, re-download, and re-enable. If you remove mods that impact vampirism after mine has been enabled the game may revert my scripts to the originals - it will be like my mod is not even there.

The mod author of a custom race may have failed to attach the proper tags so you can be recognized as a vampire. If you are using a custom race, you may have to use my "Fix Feeding For Custom Race" customization menu option to be able to feed normally; BUT only use it if you have to.  REMOVED

The author of any custom race can easily make a vampire version of their race (or you can too if you are so inclined):

1) Load the custom race .esp in the Creation Kit
2) Open the custom race (i.e. look for LunariRace)
3) Change the ID of the race to "yourcustomracenameVampire" (i.e. LunariRaceVampire)
4) Change the name of the race to "yourcustomracename Vampire" (i.e. Lunari Vampire)
5) Save this as a new race, don't overwrite the original
6) Open up the race you just created
7) Add the keywords "Vampire", "ActorTypeNPC", and "ActorTypeUndead" to your new race (General Data, under Keywords)
8 ) Add the spells "VampireHuntersSight", "VampirePoisonResist", and "VampireVampirism" to your new race (General Data, under Specials)
9) Save your new race
10) Save your custom race .esp and exit the Creation Kit

After this, you can use the console to "setrace yourcustomracenameVampire" (i.e. setrace LunariRaceVampire) and you'll be able to feed normally and be identified as a vampire in the game.

NOTE: Be sure you use my menu option to infect yourself with Sanguinare Vampiris and rest 3 days so you have all the vampire perks and scripts running in the background. You cannot just change your race, you have to have the PlayerVampireQuest script running in the background too!

To cure yourself, use my menu to reset vampirism, cure your disease before 3 days are up, and use the console to "setrace yourcustomracename" (i.e. setrace LunariRace).