Feeding Does Nothing

If you feed and my mod doesn't properly add to necks bitten, affect your satiation, or help you rank up, the most likely candidate is another mod that affects the VampireFeed perk.  My mod uses a target for VampireFeed whereas the vanilla (and most other) versions do not.  If your game uses my script BUT another mod is loaded after mine it may replace my VampireFeed and the script will not process properly.

Check your load order (I highly recommend using LOOT) and ensure another mod isn't overwriting mine.  Refer to my troubleshooting page for details on load order.

Also, if you are drinking bottled blood, or feeding off a recently dead body, please remember that this won't add to necks bitten.  By default, you need to feed on a living NPC to add to necks bitten and increase your rank - BUT, you change change feeding on the dead to count toward necks bitten, satiation, and ranks if you want to using the MCM or console command.

If problems still exist, follow the steps on my troubleshooting page.