Don't Get Expected Abilities

Please check my progression charts to ensure you are supposed to have certain abilities at your satiation stage or rank first!  Some stage and rank abilities disappear if you are at a weaker stage of satiation (normal or reverse).

This is caused by another mod conflicting with mine - or a script from somewhere else that was not cleaned up properly. Spells and abilities will be added if you are a Vampire and the first time you feed (from a sleeping victim). If it doesn't happen another script has interfered with mine. You may have to follow the steps on my troubleshooting page to make a "clean" save and reinstall my mod.

This may also happen if you don't do a "clean" save in between mod versions when you upgrade - please follow the instructions at the top of  my troubleshooting page.

You can try to reset your vampirism if things have glitched. Use the "Reset Better Vampires" menu option and then use the "Reset Sanguinare Vampiris" menu option. Wait as you would normally and turn back into a vampire; once you feed things should be back to normal.

If you remove mods with NMM that impact vampirism after mine has been enabled the game may revert my scripts to the originals - parts of my mod will be missing.